80,000 undocumented schools in the country / People should not be deceived by power of attorney – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

Mehr News Agency, Community Group: The State Property and Deeds Registration Organization is one of the important subdivisions and affiliated organizations of the judiciary, which has important duties, including the registration of transactions, companies, personal property and assets. Industrial property, patents, consumer and trademark rights, trademarks and trade marks and trade secrets known as commercial and industrial property, registration of trademarks and patents, and enforcement of the provisions of official documents. This organization, with its legal duties and independent performance structure, has various specialized departments, including real estate and documents.
Accordingly, during the week of the Judiciary, we went to Dr. Mehdi Iqbal, the Deputy Minister of Documents of the State Property and Deeds Registration Organization. You can read the first part of this conversation below.
What is the latest status of registration transactions depending on having a personal SIM card? Was the registration of transactions supposed to depend on the registration of the SIM card?
Certification of electronic authenticity One of the measures in the programs and policies of the Document Registration Organization is the subject of sending a short message through the Shahkar system that sends a number to someone who has a SIM card in his name and enters the instant registration system through a unique number. If it has the code, an official document will be registered between the parties to the transaction.
Was the pilot implementation of this project fruitful?
In Zanjan, we carried out this project as a pilot, and a series of problems were solved in the discussion of infrastructure, and until a few days ago, this issue was implemented nationwide, which was subject to the results of the pilot. In general, we do not have a systemic problem, but given that the input of document regulation in the country is high, the slightest problem is not acceptable.
When will this plan be implemented nationwide?
If the problem is solved, this issue will be done nationally, and we do not want this important action to be bitter to the people with a small sweet problem.
How are documents related to prisoners seen in this plan?
The documents that are for the prisoners or the person who is in prison or in general the documents related to the inmates and those who are minors need to be more careful and we need to correct these cases. We consider all the legal issues because this is a national plan and it will definitely be done. We are waiting for the reform cases to be resolved in the next month and the national plan to be unveiled.
Apart from this plan, what are the other mandatory registration plans?
In the discussion of the future Sana system, all operations related to the preparation of documents and the parties to the transaction are required in this regard.
One is the Sana system and the other is the authentication system, which belongs to the Civil Registration Organization. Of course, these are currently optional.
Mandating the system for registration is complete if the databases and identities are complete and people all have smart cards. The reason for being optional is currently a defect in some systems. If the systems are complete, this will also be mandatory.
Of the 164 million hectares of land in the country, 137 million are natural and national resources, of which 133 million hectares have been consolidated.
How much of the national land has been documented so far?
Of the 164 million hectares of land in the whole country, 137 million are lands of natural and national resources, of which 133 million hectares have been stabilized and the remaining 4 million hectares will be implemented within the next 3 months.
Also, 130 million hectares out of 137 million hectares of natural resources were documented and about 97% of the national lands were stabilized and 95% were documented, and God willing, up to 100% will be done in the next few months and finally by the end of September.
Where is the implementation of the cadastral plan?
This year, we started three urban and rural agricultural cadastres at the same time. The agricultural cadastre is 18 million hectares, which is 733 thousand hectares to date, and less than 5% of us have applied the agricultural cadastre, but this year one of our special programs is to bring this important place to good places. Our most difficult cadastre is in these three areas. Good planning is achieved with the planned planning and credits.
Which lands are the most important land grabbing cases?
In the case of land grabbing, government property is always tampered with, which is prevented by incorrect cadastre by enforcing the cadastre. Some ministries, such as roads and urban development, have problems, including the fact that no action has been taken so far in documenting urban space. The issue of documenting urban space had not been implemented yet, and this week we had a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development, and about one million hectares of land were discussed, and no good action was taken in this regard, and the necessary plans were made. To be done in this regard.
How is the issue of assault on coastal innovations pursued?
In connection with the coastal innovations, including the seas and coasts, we have formed special working groups and we promise the people that the seizures will be pursued later. The government is also working in this regard and has eliminated all the seaside innovations We also promise to cadastre and document all the shrines related to the coastal innovations that are the domain of the government and to issue the ownership document of it by the end of this year.
Another goal that we have in the plans is the issue of rivers, lakes and seas, and in this regard, especially the rivers that are under the Ministry of Energy, we have prepared a memorandum of understanding to do the necessary documentation in this regard, because there are many problems in this. Relationships have usually existed in such areas.
How is the ownership dispute between the people and the government over some lands resolved?
The establishment of the High Council for Investigating Registration Problems in the Field of Property by the order of the Registrar of Deeds with the focus on the Deputy Minister of Real Estate was one of the measures to review problematic cases in this council to address some cases and registration problems that the country has had for decades. . Cases are reviewed by the council and, if it is competent, reviewed, and if it is within the jurisdiction of the supervisory board, it is referred to this authority.
Some experts criticize why the work is being demolished and why construction permits have been issued for this building at all?
Those who have left the field in this area should be dealt with decisively, and agencies such as the inspection organization got involved in the discussion of the document and what is related to the registration of documents. It should be said that we observe the rules because if one day In the cadastral context of the implemented area, no one can use a layer of land for himself because that layer is locked and no other user can take it.
Where did the issue of organizing real estate consultants come from?
An order from the head of the registry office that real estate consultants, given that we explicitly have a brokerage law, according to the law, real estate consultants must do their brokerage work. In order to develop the official document and prevent fraud and cases such as forgery and sale of property, we leave these cases in the hands of notaries. The bureaus deal with two legal issues, including property or a car, but if they have a normal deed, the notary public prepares an accrual deed. The accrual deed is prepared so that it can recognize those services. کرد.
What is the main cause of land grabbing in the country?
In the discussion of land grabbing, the essence of the problems goes back to the ordinary charters. Cooperatives have to concentrate on announcing the price and value of the property. Unfortunately, these companies or devices or individuals are deceived by the low prices of some lands and get into trouble and realize that eventually the land is called Other people.
People should not be deceived by power of attorneys because power of attorney is not the right to transfer ownership and many power of attorneys are misused.
People should not buy property unless it is an official document. People should not be deceived by power of attorneys because a power of attorney is not a right of transfer of property and is not considered official property. No inquiries are made regarding the registration and conclusion of power of attorney. Many power of attorneys are misused, and every year about 25 percent of our documents are added to power of attorney documents, and this is increasing. This shows that the desire of people to prepare official documents is decreasing. This is an alarm. Unfortunately, people think that with ordinary documents, they can have legal security, which is not correct, and if they do the initial cost, they may then have to spend large sums of money and go through the steps of justice.
Out of 120,000 schools, 80,000 schools do not have documents and no documentation has been done about them. We ask the Minister of Education to follow the issue of documents of 80,000 schools.
What is the cooperation of government institutions regarding the issuance of ownership documents?
One of the problems we had was related to the Ministry of Education. Out of 120,000 schools, 80,000 schools do not have documents and no documentation has been done about them. We ask the Minister of Education to follow up on the documents of 80,000 schools so that Issuing title deeds is a wake-up call for schools because we have had cases where people have claimed ownership of a school and filed a lawsuit and received a verdict. Has taken over. The Minister of Education should issue the necessary instructions to the field of education real estate so that the documentation can be done in relation to 80,000 schools, and we are ready to issue school documents.