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97% of people in the world have no purpose in life / the need to focus on desires – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, Shahin Farhang stated in the first workshop of the first comprehensive training and empowerment course for young people entitled “Rewriting the story of life” that this workshop deals with the subject of “purposeful life”: Which way to choose. Imam Ali (ع) “He who does not know what he wants from his life will not get anywhere.”

He added: “People in the world compete to overtake each other, but we must learn to overtake ourselves and I am better today than I was yesterday, so in life never seek to overtake others because someone lives right who always surpasses himself.” .

“Sometimes it takes time to write down our goals because we have never thought about it or do not know what our most important goals are based on priority,” said the psychologist, noting that studies show that 97% of the world’s people have no goals in life.

“We know very well what we do not want out of life, but we do not know what we want out of life,” he said. 97% of the people in the world are the only occupants of the car of their life, instead of the driver.

Destination is not achievable by itself

Farhang stated that in life we ​​must pursue our destination, value and purpose: the destination is our desire, which is usually described in one word; Such as success, happiness, satisfaction, awareness, happiness, growth and perfection. The destination is not achievable by itself and it does not sweeten the mouth with halva.

Criticizing some professors of motivational courses who give people wrong information without knowledge and experience, he added: “When we provide the grounds for reaching the destination, the destination becomes value.” It is our values, aspirations and dreams that are usually unattainable and remain in the dream. So we have to make values ​​and aspirations a goal.

“The goal is a precise and clear desire that engages the mind as soon as it is announced and repeatedly afterwards to increase the likelihood of achieving the desire,” said the psychologist. This is not true if a person achieves whatever he wants, but if he has a purposeful life, he may or may not achieve his goal.

The instructor of the purposeful life workshop emphasized that the goal should have two characteristics; The first is to know exactly what we want and the second is to know when to reach the goal. For example, if our goal is to continue our education, we should know that our goal is to study for a doctorate at Tarbiat-e-Madrasa University, and we want to achieve this goal in 1404.

Focus on what you want, not what you have

According to culture, unsuccessful people focus on what they have, while successful people focus on their desires. Also, a successful person is not someone who has many possibilities, but someone who makes good use of the few possibilities he has.

He stated that the sugar of blessings increases the blessings, he said: I agree with thanking, but by being satisfied with the water, it stops, because when a person is satisfied with anything, it stops. Humans who have small desires also have small findings.

Every human being is valuable

“Every human being is valuable, so they should pursue goals that are as valuable as themselves,” he said.

Farhang continued by pointing to the necessity of dealing with material and worldly pleasures along with spiritual pleasures: Our goals in life should be material and spiritual, earthly and heavenly, and related to ourselves and others.

“We should not be worldly, nor should we,” he stressed Secular; As Imam Ali (AS) says, “Live for your world as if you will never die, and live for your Hereafter as if you will die tomorrow.”

Set yourself one month goals

“From today, set goals for yourself, write them down on paper and expose them to your vision,” said the psychology researcher. Each day as you approach the set time, check your goal table and increase your speed. If you do not reach your one month goal, do not lose hope of achieving the big goals.

Culture stressed that we must always remember that successful people always fail more than unsuccessful people. Thomas Edison, for example, tried 931 times to invent the light bulb and failed, succeeding in the 332nd time. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that unsuccessful people get stuck and successful people get up and go on their way. Imam Ali (ع) If you want to reach the peak in life, take action.

It is worth mentioning that choosing the best educational and career path, choosing a suitable spouse and Self-healing Emotional Wounds Other topics are the workshops of the first comprehensive youth education and empowerment course entitled “Life Story Rewriting”, which is held online.


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