Application and softwareScience and Technology

Introducing the Step Fit application; Brush to your desired weight

“Having the ideal weight” and “not being overweight” is a concern for many people and so far there are many ways to get rid of them. Calorie counting apps are one of the most popular ways to control weight and achieve the ideal weight, and in this article, we want to introduce you to the Step Fit app, which brings users to their desired weight in the shortest possible time.

Earlier in another similar post, Barika application We had introduced.

Step Fit application; Your right calorie counter

Regardless of a particular characteristic, all people need specific calories during the day, which should be commensurate with the amount of calories they receive. An imbalance between calorie requirements and calorie intake can lead to overweight and obesity or even underweight. To this end, in the past few years, various diets designed by experts have been among the best scientific methods for gaining or losing weight that have been well received by the general public.

Almost all over the world, nutritionists offer diets that address the issue of calorie intake to address the problems of their clients. However, calorie counting apps, such as the Step Fit app, make such an approach directly available to users, although the methods used in it are endorsed by the community of physicians and nutritionists.

The general rule of thumb for your calorie apps is very simple. People’s bodies need a certain amount of calories according to characteristics such as weight, height, age and daily activity to maintain their current weight. Users will gain weight if they consume too many calories, and they will lose weight if they consume too few calories, because fat-free fat will burn over time. But how will the shortage or increase in calories consumed be calculated? Here, the Step Fit application will help you to provide a simple method to get your daily calorie intake and reach your target weight.

The StepFit application will automatically calculate all the calories absorbed and burned by users, using the data provided by users, which we will explain below. However, users will easily find out how much food they are allowed to eat to lose weight and how much food they need to eat to gain weight.

One of the positive points of this method, in addition to its simplicity and high accuracy, is that it does not restrict users. While many diets prohibit users from consuming certain foods such as pizza and soft drinks, this method does not impose any restrictions on users and you just have to pay attention to your allowed calories and do not exceed your daily limit.

In general, the Step Fit application has a very simple user interface, and at the same time, it provides a very accurate and scientific method of working with it, and in the best possible way, it informs the users about the amount of calories consumed. In the following, we will explain the different features of the application and how to work with it.

Features and how to work with Step Fit application

Perhaps the most important thing you will notice in the Step Fit app is its very simple environment. In fact, in this calorie counter, there are no more complex menus and all the tools you need are on the main page. The image below is the main page of the application, which we will explain in the following sections.

At the top of the app, you will see two “Calendar” icons to view your daily performance and “Notes” for your logs during the day. In fact, your diet, activity, and amount of water consumed during the day are specified in the notes section, which you can edit.

After the progress chart, which is a summary of your daily performance, the amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fats you need and need is specified in this section, and you can compare it with the previous day. Also, if you “set a goal”, the formula below will form a pie chart that will help you achieve your desired goal.

Below the chart, there are different options of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fats with different colors, by selecting each of them, you can see the chart related to you.

A lower row is the application options such as feed additive, activity supplement, water intake, and current weight record. The chart at the top of the page is generally formed and modified based on this data. By selecting any of these items, you will enter your own menu.

For example, in the gallery below we have tried to add a new food to our daily performance. After selecting the feed add option, you will be presented with different categories of snacks, among which you must specify the feed you are using or search for it from the search bar above. After choosing the food you want and the amount of consumption, the calories and protein of the selected food are automatically calculated to be used in your progress chart. Finally, by going to the main page, you will find out that your calorie intake is calculated from this food, and in this simple way, you can calculate your daily calorie intake.

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