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A girl is a pain in Islam Fars news

community group; Fars news: The girl is the pain of Islam. But now, from all over the world, some are mocking and accusing all Muslims of being unloving to girls and women. The same cries that see “freedom” taken away from the lives of Muslim women. He considers wearing clothes and wearing head and face hijab as imprisoning women. They make sure that the wind does not get lost in a woman’s hair. They know that it is wrong for a woman to cover herself just so that the undisguised do not look at her. These are not ordinary sentences. They have an appearance of compassion, but behind the curtain of words, there is another news, as if.

Other people’s opinion or media induction?

a question; Are these sentences, which are abundant in the form of long criticisms of the hijab, simply due to the difference in the lifestyle of Muslims and non-Muslims, or have some currents directed the eyes of these people to this view of the hijab? Why is this question raised? Because it helps to get the correct answer, don’t see the reviews as one layer. Let’s observe the hidden angles of the story. But why do we think that the media may play a role in inducing this view? Socio-cultural studies, which are usually abstracted from sociologists, culturalists and anthropologists, indicate a subtle point. Humans have had different lifestyles. The diversity of ethnic groups, language, clothing, food, etc. seems to be a reminder of this difference and diversity. When a person likes or dislikes something, he brings it up. It gives less reason. If he sees a need and gives a reason, he presents what he thinks with his unique and special literature.

Does anyone disagree with himself?!

It seems to be the turning point of the story. First of all, what happens when all of a sudden everyone is worried about the veil and freedom of Muslim women? In the second place, at least based on the reading of written comments, especially in the virtual space, either by people living on the other side of the world, or people with a close-to-the-west mindset inside the country, a kind of uniformity of literature, a common point of view and even a single goal We see. This is exactly the place where we can talk about the media’s indirect persuasion in this regard. But why indirect? The important point of the story is that it is not direct and invisible. The owners and owners of the media empire are eager and willing for the audience to feel that they have achieved a comprehensive analysis, understanding and opinion. Ironically, he was independent in finding this and he alone is the owner and owner of this opinion. Others think like him. This causes people to analyze less; Who is the enemy of his own opinion?! This trick is also evident in the criticism of Muslim women’s clothing. Why did he say about half dowry and hijab of a woman but not about her dowry or her rights in life over parents, wife and children?

And now an example!

Let’s discuss more examples. A person does not like a dress, color, dress or opinion. Usually it says I don’t like or accept this. If he is curious and feels comfortable, he will say in short sentences, for example, the taste of a certain food does not match his taste. does not understand a certain opinion; So he does not accept. He does not like that culture because it is violent or… Here, in criticizing hijab or Islamic beliefs, the sentences are marked. Marked with short but decisive descriptions, reasons that evoke their rationality and keep the audience’s mind away from challenging it, for example: the Muslim woman’s hair is locked under the hijab! This sentence is a quick, clear and emotional description. At first glance, it may seem logical. Here is the point; No one asks why, how, who said it or where did it come from? In fact, the mind is so involved in emotions that there is no room for logic and criticism.

When the conversation circle is closed

Another point is this; Challenges about these opinions usually do not succeed because the supporters of this style of thinking usually block the way of challenge, criticism and logic by saying descriptive and emotional statements. It is enough to try and discuss once, as if even the label for removing the opposing opinion from the discussion circuit is already known. A person is accused of being dogmatic and… It goes without saying, but some people, due to lack of sufficient mastery in discussion and discourse or weakness in conveying the positive points of hijab and ideas, by simply citing their reservations from religious orders and presenting it in a way that cannot be analyzed for the listener or reader, are unwanted. They narrow the circle of conversation.

Knowledge is a blessing, lady!

Here is a tip addressed to women themselves; If I, as a Muslim woman, still do not know myself whether the hijab order is only to avoid the eyes of the mahram, or if it is seen as maturity for me as a young Muslim girl and woman, how can I encourage a person with a low hijab to wear a better hijab? ? If I do not know that I am not facing a common opinion and personal taste that challenged my hijab, that we are facing a hidden system of media techniques and propaganda against Islam, am I not using my power as much as I should?

Knowledge is a blessing. When we see and recognize the subtleties, we go to ourselves first. We look to see how much our nobles are from religion. We ask ourselves why hijab was not given to men in this sense? Why do we wear hijab during prayer, God is not forbidden? What is the story of all these discussions about the word “Jalabib”? Why did Shahid Motahari insist so much to introduce hijab as “immunity” and not “restriction”? Why does the word chastity come first in the phrase “chastity and hijab”? What is the dignity of modesty in the course of hijab? And…

Do they understand each other?!

Now it might not be bad to give an example. The fall of last year was hard for all of us, in one of the same discussions and street fights. Two groups of young people were arguing near North Kargar Street. Young girls with looser clothing or even without head hijab and the other group, from mantle to chador, wore more hijab. There was a lot of discussion. It was nothing like a conversation. The voices were loud. People were talking without hearing and being heard. This was said by the middle-aged lady who witnessed the incident: “Look there! No one wants to be convinced. Everyone is looking to convince. This has taken the peace from their conversation. See the red and inflamed faces of both sides! This is the biggest sign of not being understood and understood.” The average age of the participants in this challenge to the street discourse was between 20 and 25 years old.

I do not differentiate between you!

The middle-aged lady, who turned out to be a retired middle school teacher, could not bear it. He went forward and entered the discussion pit. The first step was: “Guys, if you think that I can talk to all my girls for a few minutes like a mother, I will talk very briefly and leave.” Like a mother, I promise not to take sides with any of you. I do not differentiate between my children. If you agree, everyone take a deep breath…” Adam sometimes understates to encourage. Where does all this skill come from to transform an unintelligible noise into a mother-daughter meeting on the street floor with the breath that ran through the lungs and brains of the girls and made their faces a little flushed? The retired teacher said a few short sentences and left: “My beautiful girls, you don’t remember, I don’t remember. Once upon a time, it was a shame to be a girl, to be a woman.” The girls were buried alive. God has declared his support for you girls in one place of the Quran, so come and see!

The girl is the pain of Islam

The street is busy but the girls are quiet! They are staring at the mouth of a teacher who became a mother. They are waiting to hear the story of God’s support for them. The middle-aged lady says: “The Merciful God said: When one of them was given the news of the birth of a girl child, their faces would turn black from the intensity of grief!” Shame on his clan, should he keep the girl or bury her alive?” The eyes of the teacher are closed: “Don’t get angry with each other, don’t yell at each other. Become one and see how it will be for God who loves you so much, was it the best?” Karbeld has done his job. He didn’t cache the sentences, especially the sentence: “Girl, Islam is painful…”

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