According to Fars News Agency’s health correspondent, cannabis is a plant from which psychoactive drugs are obtained. Marijuana and hashish are included in this category of drugs. Cannabis is consumed in different ways. Other names are flower, marijuana, grass, cannabis, tea, cannabis. The branches, flowers and all parts of the plant contain psychoactive substances. Most users use cannabis in the form of “cigarettes”.
Marijuana (weed) is a product produced by grinding female cannabis leaves. Its color is green and it has a rather pleasant smell.
Hashish (cannabis, cannabis, or cheese) is produced from the gum found in the tips of female cannabis flowers. Hashish looks like a cube-shaped pill.
Cannabis is usually smoked like tobacco. If cannabis is mixed with tobacco and placed inside a cigarette roll, it is called a “cigarette”. But cannabis is also smoked through pipes, hookahs, or pipes.Of course, cannabis can be eaten and drunk. Sometimes processed cannabis is mixed with edibles such as cakes or drinks such as tea.
Jamal Shams, psychiatric specialist of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences Pointing out that the narcotic substance of hashish, flower, weed, grass or marijuana are the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis sativa or cannabis indica plant, he stated: There is a drug inside this plant and depending on where the plant is used, there are different names for It is used.
He continued: If the dried leaves of this plant are used, it is also called grass.
Shams pointed out that drug manufacturers give different names to different parts of the cannabis sativa plant in order to make it more attractive to consumers. When the plant grows older and gives flowers, it is called a flower.
Flower, hashish, marijuana, grass, hemp, and weed are all made from the same addictive substance.
Psychiatry specialist of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences emphasized: Flower, hashish, marijuana, grass, cannabis and weed are all made from the same addictive substance, but the point is that those who prepare and produce drugs with special names and different forms of this product and their only goal is to sell and develop these products.
According to Shams, many people do not have enough knowledge about this addictive substance, many of those who use flowers are surprised when we tell them that this substance is the same as hashish or marijuana.
Stating that all substances that are abused are addictive and cause dependence, he warned against the use of these substances: Cannabis indica products are chemical, this plant causes changes in brain function.
Momentary pleasure leads to eternal ruin
Psychiatry specialist of the university emphasized that flower, crack, glass, cocaine, all of them have addictive properties and people use them to achieve a feeling of pleasure or euphoria, and continued: Harmful substances are released in the brain through these substances, which results Its primary is to create a pleasant feeling and pleasure, this is the beginning of the endless and destructive story of addiction.
Shams warned about the increase in the consumption of flowers, hashish, marijuana and other derivatives of this plant all over the world and said: After cigarettes, the most widely used drug in the world is this substance, which is hashish or marijuana or flowers, and unfortunately, it must be said that it is used among teenagers. And there are a lot of young people.
He continued: It is more unfortunate when many people do not know what dangerous substance they are using.
Shams stated that the time of destruction of brain cells and the appearance of psychotic symptoms is different in different people, he continued: This continuity of use is different in different people, some are genetically predisposed to it and with a few times of use, they will suffer from psychosis and insanity until the end of their lives. And he must take medicine for the rest of his life, but in the end, the end of this path is nothing but illness and ruining his life.
Hidden but dangerous psychological addiction
Pointing to the point that some people think that flower or hashish and other addictive products are not dangerous, he explained: Many people know opium as a model of an addictive substance that has physical symptoms as soon as it is not consumed, so unconsciously if they consume a substance And after some time they put it aside, if they do not experience physical symptoms, they think that this substance is not addictive, in fact, this substance may not have physical and physiological dependence, but psychological dependence is very serious and dangerous.
In response to the question, why is it allowed to use some narcotics and addictive drugs in some countries like Canada and America or some places especially in Europe? He said: We all know that smoking is harmful, but people still use it freely in public places, so this point is also applicable to the use of addictive substances, there are definitely open and hidden hands behind this issue that some governments and policy makers have strict laws. And they don’t consider the difficulty of preventing it, while the money generated by this destructive industry is significant.
Shams emphasized: The main suggestion is that “no one cares about us but ourselves”, secondly, one of the important causes of drug use is social control, if social control such as taxing and harsh punishment for producers is not implemented, drug use will definitely occur. Materials will increase and individual control will become more difficult.
Parents should learn the principles of parenting
He advised parents: The most important factor in preventing and not using addictive substances for your children is to acquire parenting skills. In training individual skills, self-control is strengthened and a person learns how to stand up to a substance that is harmful to him. And how to forgo instant gratification in general.
This professor of psychiatry continued: If families know the principles of parenting, they will raise their children in an environment that improves their emotional intelligence, which will reduce drug use and social anomalies.
Shams said: There was a person who consumed only one type of food for 155 days and was not willing to use any other food, even the cigarettes of this person had to be provided only by family members, and hallucinatory thoughts made this person’s condition worse.
Delusions, conflict with family, psychosis, and delusions of conspiracy were just a few of the complications of using drugs such as flowers, hashish, marijuana, and other derivatives of the cannabis sativa plant that Shams mentioned.
He advised: If you are under the pressure of life for any reason or you are sad or have any problem, there are definitely simpler and safer ways to improve your condition, consuming any addictive substance from cigarettes to alcohol or hashish will only make the situation worse. It will not bring anything else for you.
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