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Adolescent skills How to manage time?

Faris the teenager: One of the skills that teenagers must pay attention to in order to achieve success is the skill of time management and time management.

What is time management?

Time management means optimal use of time to implement plans and activities in accordance with the goals we have in life.

Time management steps

In order to manage our free time properly, we must do the following steps:

1- Determining the goal

2- Making a list of activities

3- Prioritizing activities

Goal setting

Objectives are divided into three categories in terms of time:

A) Long-term goals such as getting a dental job

b) Mid-term goals such as passing the academic level

c) short-term goals such as preparing a scientific research or succeeding in the mid-term exam or presenting a conference in class

What is important is that defining the goals will help you to always review your curriculum and answer these questions whether the work you are doing is in line with your goals or not. If your answer is negative, it means that you either have to change your goals or you have to align your activities with your goals, and this means time management.

Making a list of activities

The plans and activities of each person should be in accordance with his goals. On the other hand, each person has their own side activities and habits that cannot be ignored. Therefore, according to the above, specify and list a list of your activities.

Prioritizing activities

In order to prioritize your activities, you must first determine the degree of importance and urgency of your tasks. For example, preparing for an exam or dealing with a sudden illness of a family member are always the first priority. But texting a friend, watching a game or watching a TV program are next priorities.

A successful teenager tries to allocate his best time to doing the main tasks and activities of the first priority by arranging time and proper planning, and spend the rest of his time on other priorities.

Source: Academic skills book

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