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All public and private schools will be established from April 4, 1401

According to the Fars News Agency Education Reporter, Rezvan Hakimzadeh, Deputy Minister of Primary Education of the Ministry of Education, stated in a special news talk show today about the Corona headquarters’ decision on school education in person from April 4, 1401: They experienced the schools, and this is not the first time that students have entered the school since April 5th.

“We had times for students to attend schools, but the attendance model was different,” he said.

Hakimzadeh added: “It is true that a new method and instructions are to be announced, but it is not that we do not have experience in the past; We have prepared a number of guidelines in coordination with the Ministry of Health, and what is to happen is that we make the latest changes to the new regulations in accordance with the new and seasonal conditions and send them to the schools.

He added: “In the past, when students went to school and the report prepared by our colleagues, it was stated that schools were among the places that had the highest compliance with health protocols.”

* Children can promote a culture of adhering to health protocols

The Deputy Minister of Primary Education added: “Let’s not forget that our children in particular can learn a lot of behaviors that help promote their health literacy and can even promote a culture of adhering to health protocols; As in the past, we have seen learning through children and transmission to adults, such as traffic laws.

He said that this year Eid restrictions were lifted and families were able to travel without restrictions and children were with them, adding: “We hope with the past experience and close cooperation that all agencies and organizations have and thoughtful arrangements we can Provide a safe presence for the children and use this remaining time to make up for some of the worrying academic failure.

* All government and non-government schools will be open from April 5th

In response to the question, “What will happen if schools are not established?” Given the follow-up of families, the enthusiasm of students and the readiness of colleagues, I think we will not have a particular problem, but if a school violates this rule and does not follow the rules, according to the existing guidelines, the monitoring teams will check.

He continued: “One of the duties of the Education Evaluation and Complaints Center is to follow up on the implementation of approvals, and all schools and institutions under the education department must comply with the approvals;” In the deputy of primary and secondary education, we will follow up through school principals; Inshallah, all schools will start teaching on April 5th, and if the schools do not implement the decree, it is possible to follow up.

* Injuries that e-learning has done to students

Hakimzadeh stated that Corona was not related to our country, and said: “Studies have been conducted on the effects of the closure of face-to-face education and the pursuit of face-to-face education on students’ emotional and social development and social skills.” Especially in the elementary school, which is the basic skills of literacy for learning, but also the students suffered a lot from the emotional and educational aspects.

He added: “Children learned the order of life by going to school, getting up early in the morning and attending school at certain times and helping them to learn the etiquette of life; In virtual education, children stay up late and spend their time in cyberspace. Other injuries include students’ inactivity, which has physical impairments, and impairments in the development of communication skills, especially for first-graders and sophomores.

* The rate of observance of health protocols by students is high

Regarding the observance of protocols in schools, the Deputy Minister of Primary Education said: “Over the past two years, we have provided various and numerous trainings to students and they saw the necessary training, and in the courses where schools were opened, the observance of protocols by students It was high.

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