
Car parts makers got into trouble

According to the online economy quoted by the world of economy, the country’s component manufacturers as private companies active in this field, during the two international sanctions, despite all the problems that existed in the supply of raw materials and parallel exchange of money, production lines to date Have kept automakers active. Therefore, it can be acknowledged that the country’s automobile industry owes a great deal to the component manufacturing companies, which, despite foreign sanctions and sometimes domestic sabotage, have not turned their backs on this industry and have kept the lights of the automobile industry on.

But in addition to foreign sanctions, what has led to the resentment of parts activists is the creation of crises that are not caused by external factors but by hidden internal factions that have sought to tarnish the image of parts companies, which to this day stand up to any external tornado. has done. What is clear is that economic enterprises, such as large component makers, play an important role in the economic development of the country. By supporting and helping the development of these enterprises, many governments provide the ground for growth and profitability and, consequently, the economic development of their country. Motivation and opportunity creation are two clear paths that governments take to develop large enterprises, while in our country these two paths with intentions and creating unhealthy competition are not the only motivation that has taken the opportunity of progress from large corporations.

Since 1997, when international sanctions were imposed more severely than the original sanctions, many foreign actors, aware of government support for their subsidiaries, have been waiting for effective and well-known private sector firms to land, influential companies such as the country’s major component suppliers. The parts were manufactured by automakers. Some behaviors show that external factors are more focused on stopping production and effective industrial activities in the country and try to bore entrepreneurs and produce economic activity by targeting entrepreneurs and destroying and intimidating them.

These behaviors, however, have not been targeted only by external factors, because some people in the country are trying to remove these companies from production by creating rumors and accusations of treason. Suering entrepreneurs, slandering and pressuring the bank, or ultimately auctioning off some property, is throwing insiders at companies that have so far stood up to external threats.

In these stone-throwing, threats and slanders, however, there are companies that still firmly believe in the continuity of production, even though they are deprived of support and obstruction. Cruise is a prime example of this. Hamid Keshavarz, entrepreneur and founder of Cruz Parts Company, responded to some of the ambiguities and rumors about him and his subsidiary. Referring to the extortion of some affiliated companies, as well as the accusations leveled against Cruise, he stressed that Cruise had tried to localize 3,000 imported parts, which had disrupted the activities of importers.

He went on to say that importers were trying to hit the company from various directions, to the point where they accused Cruz of being a mafia. Emphasizing that Cruz is a leading company in the automotive and electronics industry, Keshavarz said that the head of the judiciary’s approach to supporting large industries should be reflected in the accusations against the company, and should not allow people named in the name of special institutions or banks or even departments. Government to tie the hands and feet of companies.

He continues: “In many countries, there is fierce competition between companies, and some even commit industrial theft, and as a result of such activities, the lawyers of the companies file charges against each other.” This is at a time when our friends are making such accusations against us because they have no idea of ​​the world and its economy. These charges are for our company as a runner that others ask him to stop running so that others can reach him. He emphasizes that this is wrong in the world of economics, because the basis of economics is fighting, advancing and growing.

“Like any Iranian company, we definitely wanted to grow, but that does not mean destroying competitors or monopolizing the entire chain,” he said. They make objections to us that are illegal. Referring to the purchase of shares of automobile companies by automakers, Keshavarz emphasizes that in many companies around the world, component companies are the shareholders of automobile companies due to their profitability. He continued: “Depending on the capital you invest, you can buy the shares of car companies in the stock market, and when your shares grow, you can be on the board of directors of the car unit.” Regarding the fact that some believe that the purchase of automobile shares will cause the automaker to be forced to supply parts from the joint stock companies, he says: ‌‌‌ If this action means the pressure of the automaker on the automaker to force the automaker to supply only this company , This is a mistake and the occurrence of such a problem or pressure in the world is predicted and has a solution.

the world of economy


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