
Cheap neighborhoods in Karaj for rent / Andisheh more expensive than Hashtgerd?

According to Tejarat News, according to an advertisement registered on the Divar website and the price of housing and apartment rent in the city of Karaj and its suburbs, a list of the average rent of apartments in some neighborhoods of Karaj has been obtained.

According to the table below, the new cities of Hashtgerd and Mohammadshahr with an average rent of 2.3 million Tomans are among the cheap areas of Karaj for rent.

Marlik and Manzaria neighborhoods with an average rent of 4 million Tomans, next to Shahinvila neighborhood with an average rent of 4.8 million Tomans are other cheap neighborhoods in Karaj.

Organizing neighborhoods, Ferdis and Golshahr with average rent are registered in the channel of five million Tomans.

The new city of Andisheh with an average apartment rent of 5.6 million Tomans and Baghestan with an average monthly rent of 5.9 million Tomans were registered. The new city of Andisheh and Baghistan have higher average apartment rents among the neighborhoods in the table below, but have lower rental rates compared to some neighborhoods in Karaj.

Read the latest housing news on the Tejarat News Housing Market page.

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