Legal and judicialsocial

Check an urgent municipal budget inquiry

According to the Fars News Agency’s urban correspondent, Alireza Nadali, the spokesman of the Tehran City Council, referring to the holding of the 22nd session of the Tehran City Council, stated: This session will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, November 9th.

He said: “In this meeting, an urgent review of the Tehran Municipality’s inquiry about the” 1400 budget of Tehran Municipality and its affiliated organizations and companies “will be reviewed.

The spokesman of the Islamic Council of Tehran, added: Also, 6 members of the Islamic Council of Tehran to be members of the commission “Obligation of Tehran Municipality to conduct technical, economic, environmental, cultural-social justification studies and provide a schedule for all plans and projects of Tehran Municipality” “Will be selected.

Nadali continued: “In addition to the mentioned choice, two other choices are on the agenda of tomorrow’s meeting of the council. The Coordination Committee for Crisis Management and Emergency Response of Tehran, subject to Article 8, will be elected.

In another part of his speech, he referred to the issue of preserving and expanding green space in cities and said: “Accordingly, 22 registration plates related to the law amending the law on preserving and expanding green space in cities, which was postponed from previous meetings to this meeting, tomorrow Will be examined.

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