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Commitment to organizational affiliation in cultural heritage

Of course, excessive attachment to family, work environment, etc. destroys human freedom and creates limitations for him. For example, when a person is too attached to an organization, if for any reason he no longer has the conditions to work in that organization, he will suffer psychological damage. The sense of belonging in moderation gives meaning to human life and increases the level of satisfaction, but if it is less or more than usual, it will be harmful.

What is organizational commitment?

One of the indicators of the superiority of one organization over another is its human resources. Loyal manpower is always willing to work beyond organizational values ​​and this becomes an important factor in the effectiveness of the organization and improving productivity. Organizational commitment is generally a desirable characteristic that should be developed among the employees of an organization.

Usually, employees with high organizational commitment perform better than those with less commitment. Every organization needs members whose affiliation with the organization is more than a formal exchange agreement. In other words, organizations need people who act for the benefit of the organization beyond the prescribed duties, and this is especially important in sensitive jobs.

Experts are of the opinion that the biggest challenge for personnel managers is to integrate the needs of the organization with the individual needs of its members.

Organizational commitment includes three factors:

A) Strong belief in the goals and values ​​of the organization and their acceptance

b) Willingness to make significant efforts to achieve organizational goals

c) Strong and deep desire to continue membership in the organization

Scientists believe that commitment is a psychological state that expresses a kind of desire, need and obligation to provide service in an organization. In the model proposed by some thinkers in this field, they were called “emotional commitment”, “continuous commitment” and “obligatory commitment”.

The common feature of the mentioned three methods is that commitment is a psychological state that 1) characterizes the relationship of an individual with the organization, 2) secretly decides to stay in the organization or leave it. What is certain is that commitment causes It is productivity, because the increase of commitment to the optimal level promotes the adaptation of the individual to the organization and his lack of resistance to changes, the emergence of individual creativity and the efficient use of human resources, which will lead to an increase in productivity.

Advantages of organizational attachment and loyalty:

When there is a feeling of belonging and loyalty to the organization, a friendly and familiar environment is created in the organization. In such an environment where people have gotten to know each other over time and have found a sense of belonging and loyalty to life in a group, doing things is much easier and group activities progress well and quickly.

According to the existing theories, employees with high commitment are more motivated to be in the organization and strive to achieve the organization’s goals.

Organizational behavior management researchers believe that organizational commitment affects the following aspects of organizational behavior: tardiness, absenteeism, leaving service and performance. They believe that increasing organizational commitment will make people work harder and, as a result, provide better performance. Committed employees are not interested in leaving or resigning.

The higher the degree of commitment of the employee towards his organization, the less inclined they are to resign or be absent. Committed employees are eager to sacrifice for the organization, employees who have a high level of commitment are far more interested in contributing and even sacrificing for the progress of the organization than keeping their jobs.

The ways that make us have loyal employees include:

● Hiring employees who are more prepared to devote themselves to work and organization. If we emphasize behavioral indicators and personality traits such as emotional stability, conscientiousness, responsibility, and adaptability in the hiring process, and if we can hire people who have internal motivation to work due to their suitability for the job and task in question, more than half We have successfully traveled the path of having energetic employees who love work and the organization.

● The commitment and loyalty of employees to the work and the organization depends to a large extent on the fit between the person and the job and the fit between the person and the organization. Google’s advice to its managers is to employ employees not only for a specific job or organizational unit, but for the entire company. This means that at the time of hiring, in addition to the fit of the person with the job, pay attention to his fit with the culture, values ​​and general atmosphere of the company.

● The attachment of employees to work and organization means reaching hearts. In the process of creating, preserving and strengthening such a phenomenon, we need a leader instead of a manager, employees are strongly influenced by the personality, character and behavior style of their direct supervisors. It is in this style, character and attitudes that adds or reduces the satisfaction and enthusiasm of the employees.

● Attaching and keeping employees attached is not only the duty of the human resources unit, but it is the common duty of all managers and supervisors, and it should become a strategic requirement in the organization, and there should be goal setting and annual planning for it.

Organizational belonging means that employees think they belong to the organization and the organization belongs to them. People who have such a feeling strive for the growth of the organization and the achievement of organizational goals is considered one of their values, as a result, they feel satisfied with the progress that is achieved. Organizational attachment is created when the employee is noticed by the manager and his colleagues, communicates effectively with them, is encouraged and recognized as an effective member of the organization.

These two concepts (commitment and belonging) are related to each other, an employee who feels belonging to the organization, is committed to his duties and tries to do them in the best way. Belonging mostly depends on the feelings and attachment of the employees. Employees feel a sense of belonging to an organization when they like it and enjoy working in it. On the other hand, commitment is a feature that is in people’s minds; If you are a committed person, you will do what you agreed to do, even if you don’t like it or feel a sense of belonging to the organization you work for. You complete your duties only because you are a committed person.

The advantages of belonging to the organization:

The sense of belonging must be balanced in order to be beneficial for the organization and employees, we will point out the advantages of this feeling for employees.

– Working in the organization is meaningful for them and they don’t work only for the salary at the end of the month.

– They perform their duties compassionately and often provide more than their duty to the organization.

– Their level of job satisfaction is higher than people who do not belong to an organization.

– They have higher efficiency.

– Their loyalty to the organization increases and the probability of resigning decreases.

All these advantages are also for the benefit of the organization, when the organization has professional employees with a high level of job satisfaction who strive for its growth, it reaches its goals faster.

8 The way to increase organizational affiliation:

When you recognize employees as your work family, you care about them, and you value employees and the organization, regardless of the profit they have for you, you have taken the first step of belonging to the organization. In the following, we explain 8 ways to increase the attachment to the organization.

1. Give importance to the growth of employees: Humans never move on a straight path, they are either progressing and moving upward or regressing. Arrange training programs for employees, pay attention to their growth and make sure that something is added to them by being active in your organization every year.

2. Get out of your office: In organizations where the manager sits behind the desk in his room and closes the door, the sense of belonging to the organization is as low as possible. Talk to the employees of the organization, pay attention to them, listen to them and try to solve their problems.

3. Communicate sincerely with employees: The type of communication that exists between you and employees and employees with each other plays an important role in increasing organizational belonging.

4. Don’t forget organizational transparency: Organizational transparency means providing information related to employees in a completely transparent manner. The fact that the employees are aware of the goals of the organization and its plans brings a sense of belonging and they strive to achieve the goals.

5. Be a leader for employees: At present, the job satisfaction of employees plays an important role in the success of organizations, and the manager’s behavior is also an essential factor in the level of employee satisfaction with the work environment. When you act like a leader in the organization, you help the members of your organization in difficult situations with them. You are accompanying and not just monitoring.

6. Pay attention to values ​​beyond material things: Several people with different personality traits, values ​​and temperament work in your organization. As a manager, you must value all these people.

Respecting the values ​​of employees to increase organizational attachment:. The decision to cooperate with you is enough to understand why human power is considered the most important asset of any organization.

7. Make entertainment programs:. Employees like the environment in which they enjoy and have fun. The result of liking the work environment is the feeling of belonging to the organization.

8. Do not discriminate between employees: One of the toxic behaviors in the workplace is that the manager values ​​a group of employees more than others. This work creates two-handedness between the employees and creates thousands of margins in the work environment.

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