Marriage and familysocial

Destroy your life by doing these things! / 6 Wrong behavior in cohabitation

Life group: Sometimes we hear from couples that I do not know what mistake I made in life that my life has cooled or work has separated. In fact, when every life starts normally but after a while is drawn to coldness, discord, fights or separation, it means that something wrong has happened to the couple during their life together. It does not matter which person is more to blame for the differences in life, it is important that sometimes we take our behaviors so obvious and harmless that we do not allow our abuse to challenge cohabitation.

In this article, six behaviors have been collected that, according to counselors and psychologists, are considered normal behaviors by many couples, but are the cause of many differences and colds in their life together.

You do not care about your appearance

Women are usually advised to be neat and tidy at home. But in this matter there is no difference between men and women. Dressing neatly, taking care of your hair and personal hygiene are some of the things that men and women should do. Some couples forget these habits after a few years of living together, while it is important to always maintain a reasonable level of importance to appearance and appearance. In the meantime, it is important to know the taste of the other party.

You compare

Saying, “Look how much a husband’s spends on her” or “Look at how much a wife’s spends on money” are sayings that you may say once, but it never leaves your spouse’s mind. Comparing, if it becomes a constant work in the relationship between husband and wife, not only will no longer have the effect of changing the behavior of the spouse, but will also cause distance and coldness. Because your spouse thinks he or she doesn’t like you.

If there is something you would like your spouse to do for you, talk to your spouse in the right situation, kindly and with consideration of his or her personality sensitivities, and give him or her a chance to see the outcome of your conversation.

You do not respect each other’s families

You have often heard the saying that marriage is not just a union of two people, but a union of two families. As much as you hear this sentence, you should take it seriously. In any cohabitation, things may happen on the part of the spouse’s family that are wrong for either man or woman. In these cases, the first step is to maintain the respect of the spouse’s family. Never insult, judge, or try to break up with your spouse.

Solve your problems with them by talking to your spouse, and always respect your spouse’s relatives as you would like them to be respected.

You are not romantic

This is the herd of many women who do not fall in love with their husbands, and the defense of most men is that we show that we love our husbands by trying to live together.

But husband and wife should know that no effort and no physical behavior can replace the words of love in the heart of the wife. It’s certainly not harder for a woman or a man who is working day and night to improve and protect their lives to say romantic words, or to buy a small bouquet of flowers or a gift from time to time.

You do not make time for each other

By not saying loving words to each other, things get worse when your spouse thinks or sees that you are not leaving for him or her. A man who spends his free time at home playing with his cell phone or going out with friends or doing chores outside the home, and a woman who prefers talking on the phone and doing chores or chores to hanging out with her husband, in Now the message is to him that I have more important things to do and you are not my priority. Tell us, why should we have a warm and happy life when we are not our spouse’s priority?

You do not have fun for two

This issue fades especially after the birth of a child or children between couples. From time to time, it is a good idea to leave the kids in a safe place for even a few hours and go to a park, restaurant or even a two-person walk. In these two people, many unspoken words and problems are discussed, memories of the early days of the carpenter are reviewed, and you can talk about your spouse’s future, plans, concerns, and mentality on various issues. Each of these has a profound effect on the strength and happiness of a life together.

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