Developments of the Iranian family and concern about its injuries – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

Mehr news agency; Community group: One of the characteristics of our current era, which in the term of science scientists The community This period of transition from tradition to modernity is called the evolution of the family in terms of form, structure and values. The Iranian family is undergoing a process of change due to the dominance of the discourse of modernity in society and under the influence of its social and media factors. The Iranian family still carries the principles and concepts of tradition, and on the other hand, finds itself on the path of modernity. می بیند. Although this dichotomy does not always require confrontation, the lack of transparency in the situation has created and will create serious confrontations. Concepts such as family, mahram and non-mahram, prejudice and zeal, obedience to elders, family honor and dignity, and…, due to the mentioned conditions, have found different meanings and interpretations in different families. Understanding and explaining these developments allows us to research and predict the future of the Iranian family to a large extent.
Concerns and concerns
Family developments in recent decades in our country have faced opportunities and threats. Rising youth marriage age, rising divorce rate to the point that some consider Iran to be one of the few countries پرطلاق The world knows that the increase in anxiety in marital relations and the increase in addiction, the escape of girls and the delinquency of adolescents and young people, which shows the decrease in the efficiency of the family, is a convincing reason for threats and worries.
Today’s families are no longer as limited as they used to be. More importantly, not only are the factors affecting families more diverse, but not all of them are necessarily outside the family space. The Internet and satellite are not uncommon tools and agents for many families. If previously the efforts of families were focused on controlling their children to prevent addiction and moral corruption (which had their backgrounds outside the family), today these areas have come into the families. These developments due to modernity, because modernism is inherently deeply linked to individualism, lead to a weakening of the strength and efficiency of the family institution and cause concern and concern of experts and officials.
Developments of the Iranian family
Some of the most important examples of changes and developments in the Iranian family are as follows:
Gender transformations of the family
It seems at a glance Family Iranians are becoming feminine and feminine perceptions, tendencies and actions are prevailing in the family. We see manifestations of this change in numerous cases. Now the power structure in the family is becoming feminine and if in Family Traditionally, Iranian male authority was sometimes seen as extreme. Today, the family is marginalized by men and their position is changed from head to Supplier Is evolving. Another manifestation of feminization can be seen in the management of communication and kinship by women. Now family relations to طایفة The mother is inclined and the children feel more close and similar with the mother’s relatives. The pattern of wealth distribution in the family as well Sign Overcoming feminine views and tendencies; Such a way that Family Today more than the previous generation for the luxuries of life, decoration and shopping accessories that women are eager to have ترند, Costs. Filial piety Also Phenomenon Is new in Family Iranians are more visible than other families and can to some extent Result Overcoming emotions in the family.
Various appearances and evidences show that the family is gradually moving away from the Shari’a and moving towards the spiritual religion, and many examples of the current lifestyle of the Iranian family show. غلبة Material and individualistic values are based on religious values. Decreased children ‘s obedience to parents, Decreased uterine communication with Motivation God willing, reducing the responsibility of the head of the family as well as the obedience of the spouse, the negligence of the family in raising their children religiously and behaviorally, reducing the effort to earn money through lawful means, diminishing the boundaries in friendly and tribal relations, increasing girl-boy relations during engagement Without a contract and the like, there are signs of this change.
Becoming a family media
“Perhaps the most important consequence of the presence of the media, especially television, in Iranian society is the birth of”Family Media Oh you»Knew. Family Media is a family that has no external existence, but is “represented” by the media. Here the media sets a pattern by ignoring social, cultural and economic diversity Home Provides a reference model to families that represents the middle and affluent strata of society and causes the formation of specific economic expectations in different strata and the pattern of production, distribution and consumption in Family Iranian to change. Perhaps the most important feature of the family media model is that it is non-native. Media groups into reference and message groups first Introduces to the audience that they have neither moral authority nor performance Didinة National culture اند.
Longitudinal and transverse generation gap
Another example of the evolution of the Iranian family in the present age is the longitudinal and transverse generation gap. That is, the difference in value systems and behavioral tendencies of individuals in the family is more noticeable in recent years, both longitudinally and intergenerationally (ie parents and children) and transversely (between family members). However, the issue of longitudinal generation gap between past, present and future generations is a matter Later It seems, however, that the phenomenon of transcendental generation gap between members of a generation within the family seems to be a new social reality. That is, children of the same age as a generation within a family do not necessarily have a value match with each other, and sometimes they have a crisis and a problem for a common dialogue with each other.
The future of the Iranian family and its capacities
However, the Iranian family is currently facing many issues, crises and concerns, and it is feared that these issues will lead to the decline of the family and the collapse of the crisis, and the family in the religious and Iranian sense in the form of a family that is There is a present in the Western world (cohabitation) to change, but it must be acknowledged that the Iranian family has a series of characteristics and relationships that in the face of the modern value system and the evolution of the Iranian family play a barrier and consistency. .
Among the most important features and characteristics can be aristocracy, tribalism and family orientation, economic dependence of children on parents, opportunism (mother and father day, father day, Nowruz, birthday, wedding anniversary, etc.) the richness of ethnic identity He mentioned the family of individuals in Iranian society, ritualism and attention to group rituals, the emotionality of the Iranian family, the religious culture of the Iranian family, and so on. These components of the Iranian family make this main element of society more resistant to the developments of the transition period. Given the conditions of the modern world and the dominance of rival family discourses on the one hand and the enormous potential of the Iranian family against these conditions on the other hand, it must be said that providing an accurate forecast of family future in Iran is difficult and requires detailed expert studies and futures studies. It is scientific and it seems that the passage of time will be the best speaker of the family situation in the future.
Gholamreza Torabi