Do not take the important advice of the leadership in relation to marriage / dowry seriously. Marriage is not a deal!

Life group:“Who gave the dowry and who received it?” If you know this seemingly simple and friendly proverb that causes differences between several families and what couples are separated, you will not use it anymore. It is a woman’s right to receive dowry, but not a large number! Unfortunately, these days, there is a misconception among young people that the more dowry coins, the more love and affection, but most of these marriages did not end well. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has repeatedly emphasized the issue of dowry to the youth in his speeches. Here are some of his advice to young people about dowry.
The tradition of the Prophet or the tradition of ignorance?
“Those who pay high dowry for their wives harm society. Many girls stay at home, many boys stay homeless, because these things became a tradition when it was practiced in society, instead of the “seal of the Sunnah”, instead of the seal of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) being the tradition, when the seal of the ignorant “The situation will become ignorant.”
خبهی عقد 1377/8/11
Heavy dowry and boasting!
“Some families on the bride side say that we do not want the dowry to be so high, but the groom’s family says no to cooking and boasting! A few million or so. Well, these are all far from Islam. No one was happy with the high dowry. Those who think that if there is no dowry, their daughter’s marriage will be shaken,. They are wrong. Marriage, if it were loving, was in the right condition, the dowry would not be shaken. “But if it was based on malice, ingenuity, fraud, deception, and so on, the dowry, no matter how high, will be done by the malevolent bully, who will be able to escape the burden of this dowry.”
Sermon of the contract 1375/9/4
Modeling of Ahlul Bayt
“The heavy dowry belongs to the age of ignorance. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) abrogated it. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is from a noble family. The family of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was almost the most noble family of the Quraysh. He himself is the president and leader of this society. What was wrong with the girl being so good that she is the best girl in the world and the Almighty God made her the “Lady of the Women of the Worlds”, “from the first and the last”, they want to marry the best boys in the world who are the pious masters, their dowry is high? “Why did they come and set this low dowry, which is called” the seal of the Sunnah “?”
Sermon of the contract 1374/2/28
Marriage is not a deal!
“In marriage, what happens is an incident and a human bond, not a monetary and financial transaction. Although there is a financial transaction in the holy Shari’a of Islam, that property has a symbolic aspect. It has a cryptic aspect. Do not buy and sell and give and take.
The lower the dowry, the closer it is to the nature of marriage, because the nature of marriage is not a transaction, not a sale, not a rent, it is the life of two people. It has nothing to do with finances. But the Holy Shari’a has set a dowry that must be something. But it should not be heavy. “It should be normal so that everyone can do it.”
Sermon of the contract 1374/5/18
Heavy dowry does not help strengthen the marital bond
“Sometimes a man is such that no matter how much a woman has a dowry, she says: My lawful dowry, my life is free. Charity that does not make anyone happy … The religious method makes people happy.
Love does not depend on these things. The less money there is in such matters, the more the material element comes out, the stronger the human element; Love increases.262
Some people think that heavy dowry helps to maintain the marital bond. This is a mistake. Is wrong. If, God forbid, this couple is incompetent, a heavy dowry can not work any miracle.
Some people say that we increase the dowry in order to prevent divorce. This is a very big mistake. No heavy dowry prevents divorce and has not. What prevents divorce is morality and behavior. “It is the observance of Islamic norms.”
Sermon of the contract 1375/5/11
Why insist on 14 coins?
“You see, we said we would not marry more than 14 coins, not because more than fourteen coins would cause problems in marriage. No. Even if it is fourteen thousand coins, there is no problem in marriage. Does not matter. It is for that spiritual aspect of marriage to prevail over the material aspect. Not like a trade. Trade is not material. “If you reduce the formalities, the spiritual aspect will be strengthened.”
Wedding Sermon 10/26/72
The high dowry is disrespectful to the girl
“If someone cares about their daughter, or a girl cares about herself, that’s not the way to say you have to increase our dowry. The lower the dowry, the greater the human aspect of this bond.
No money, no wealth, is equal to a man, no dowry can be the price of a Muslim woman, and no income for a man or woman can be equal to her personality. Those who raise their daughter’s dowry are wrong. This is not respect. This is disrespectful. Because by raising the dowry, you reduce the sex of this human transaction, that is, one of the two sexes of the human transaction – because they are both opposite – to a commodity and a commodity, you say my daughter is worth so much. no sir! Your daughter is not comparable to money at all …
This dowry is an Islamic and divine tradition. “It is not that man wants to give anything in return for this dear human being.”
Sermon of the contract 1374/5/24
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