How can we be happy parents? / Let’s start the cycle of happiness at home

Family group: Being happy and paying proper attention to children and adolescents is the basis of raising a healthy child. Happy parents are those who raise happy children, or in other words, raising a happy child requires having happy parents, as long as the parents themselves do not feel happy in life, they can not create it in their child.
Many articles and books have been written about making children happy and creating a happy and pleasant atmosphere for children, but we pay less attention to who the happy parents are and how parents can be happy at all. Now, with many problems in life, many installments and debts, housing and a thousand other things, can we be happy that we want to pass it on to the children at all? The answer is yes, life has always been full of challenges and ups and downs. Today is a challenge and tomorrow another important story is to be able to be happy human beings from within and overcome obstacles one after another.
But we may not yet agree on the definition of happy parents. Who are happy mothers and fathers and what are their characteristics?
1- Happy mother and father start their day pleasantly. They do not do their work in a hurry in the morning and do not start a fight over breakfast!
Many of us wake up in the morning, as the saying goes, in the left gear, and it takes hours to recover. Let’s practice from now on, when you wake up in the morning, start with a smile to yourself and your child, and then start doing housework, breakfast and other things.
When you smile and think of good things, you naturally sit down to breakfast with better energy and pay attention to the children. You no longer struggle to give breakfast to children, and you do not constantly complain to your spouse about the situation, and why does this child not eat breakfast or cry? What did I miss for him? In fact, you left little, and that is a good first morning morality. Practice this time.
2. Happy mothers and fathers substitute healthy and attractive entertainment for the indiscriminate use of mobile phones and televisions because they know that only the atmosphere of the house will be ruined by fighting and ordering.
After boredom and nervousness, do not constantly move the canals up or down or engage with children for control. Put mobile phones and TV aside and invent a new game to keep kids entertained.
3- A happy mother and father pay attention to the positive and good deeds of their child.
Encourage good deeds and change wrong deeds with practice and patience. All children make mistakes and learn life lessons from these mistakes and trials and errors. Try to practice patience together with the problems that exist in everyone’s life so that the children can grow up with you and be in a good mood.
4. Happy mothers and fathers do not frown or threaten at parties or outside the house with their eyes wide open because they know it is ineffective.
The more you try to persuade your kids to go to party orders, the less they will listen to you. Try to be kind and take care of the children. So before the party, tell your child what to do and if there is a problem, take the child out of the group and then return him to the group twice. Try to be kind because everyone knows how the kids are, no need to bother.
5. Happy mothers and fathers do not put their children to sleep by stressing or fighting
These parents know that sleeping with stress causes the child to sleep restlessly and in a bad mood. So they prepare a soothing ceremony so that the sleep process can be performed slowly. For example, they read a book to a child or play soft music or the Quran.
6- Happy mother and father have a good relationship with themselves and each other
When you spread the scent of happiness in the home, it will definitely reach the children. So if you are constantly involved with each other, what do you expect the children to be happy in this atmosphere? Children get stuck in a tense or nervous atmosphere and make excuses or are isolated. So value your happiness and take care of yourself!
7. Happy mothers and fathers use more positive words in their conversations
If you keep telling yourself you can’t, you certainly won’t be able to replace those words with positive ones like I’m doing my job well or I’m an exemplary mom and dad.
8. Create a positive image with happy thinking
When you feel happy, your portrayal of the world is also positive. So you have a better picture of your life and those around you and you will definitely get positive feedback.
Finally, studies have shown that lively parents increase their children’s sense of self-confidence and social spirit, and this is the factor for children to succeed in personal and social life and among their friends. Children who can recognize and understand the happy feelings and emotions within them can definitely maintain it throughout life. Children’s happiness strengthens their mood, motivation, self-esteem and stability. Do not forget that in order to convey happiness, it is necessary for your relationships with other family members, especially your spouse, to be happy. Loving relationships with respect and acceptance can multiply happiness.
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