How does the centralized banking system transform a bank?

According to the report of financial news, quoted from the public relations and customer affairs of Qarz-ul-Hasneh Mehr Bank of Iran, the centralized comprehensive banking system is responsible for recording and maintaining all financial information and interactions in an integrated manner in a central information unit. Improving operations and reducing costs are only two of the positive consequences of implementing this system.
This system provides all products, banking services, management operations and their management through access to a common and integrated database in the form of a system, and flexibility and customer orientation are considered important features. Without creating a centralized and integrated database, electronic banking services will be insular and heterogeneous.
In fact, Core Banking is an integrated central system and database structure and central server that provides hundreds of financial modules to banks. including the loan module and loan processing, guarantees, security maintenance of documents and documents, accounting of daily transactions, receiving and paying cash and checks, updating the daily account book, using ATM and POS devices, using internet banking and mobile banking, using virtual channels such as Phone bank, SMS bank and…
Customer relationship management system (CRM), customer club, management systems and definition of banking products, human capital management system, statistical-analytical systems, data warehouse, anti-money laundering system, fraud detection system, financial management systems and bank general ledgers (GL), Asset and debt management system, treasury and liquidity management system, performance evaluation system, validation systems and risk systems (operational, matching, cash, credit, etc.) are all based on having a comprehensive centralized banking system.
Fortunately, by implementing and developing its comprehensive centralized banking system over the past years, Iran’s Qarzul-Hosneh Mehr Bank has succeeded in becoming one of the pioneers of the banking network in the field of providing offline services. The implementation of the appointment system, which itself was a platform for providing various services, was realized with the existence of a comprehensive centralized banking system. Iran’s Qarzul-Hosneh Mehr Bank was the first bank to offer offline account opening, offline loan application, and SJAM online authentication while connecting to various systems such as civil registration.
Providing various services on the mobile bank platform, setting up a virtual counter and Cubbank in recent years have all been achieved with the support of the implementation and development of a comprehensive centralized banking system.
In addition to these, this bank has an operational system that displays online information related to performance indicators such as resources, expenses, claims, etc. by province and branch for its employees. This importance, in addition to the bank’s operational transparency, has made it possible to achieve its goals in various fields more than ever.