
How much is Peugeot Pars in the market? (Table)

The price of Peugeot Pars or Peugeot Persia was almost constant on Monday, January 4th, and with the exception of the dual-burner Pars, which is experiencing a rise of about half a percent compared to the previous day, the rest of the models have had a relatively quiet day. Based on this, the price of Peugeot Pars Automatic Model 98 on January 4, 2014 is estimated at 400 million, which indicates an increase of five million compared to last week; The price of Pars Automatic Model 99 has risen slightly in the same period and has reached the border of 425 million. Other Peugeot Persia models have not changed significantly compared to the previous days. However, in order to predict the fate of car prices, we must wait for the end of the foreign exchange market and the policies of the Ministry of Industry in the field of cars, so that we can have a more accurate assessment of the rising or falling trend of Peugeot Pars and other cars in the coming days and months.

For more information, we must say that Peugeot Pars or Persia has been produced by Iran Khodro for about 21 years with the least change in appearance, and now it has different versions, the price of each of which will be different depending on the type. Among the available versions of Peugeot Pars that are on the production line, you should buy Peugeot Pars Sal (simple) with 1800 xu7 eight-valve engine, Pars tu5 or LX equipped with 1.6-liter sixteen-valve engine and automatic Pars with tu5 engine and box four. Auto speed, noted. Meanwhile, the simple Peugeot Pars is the cheapest member of the Persia family and the latest price of its 1400 model in the market is equal to 283 million Tomans. Peugeot Pars Automatic is the most luxurious version of this family and has various features in the optional type.

The table below lists the prices of Peugeot Pars on January 4, 2010 and it is worth mentioning that although the prices listed in the table have been collected by reputable experts, but due to special market conditions, prices will fluctuate.

Peugeot Pars price in the market (January 1400)

car type



Price (Tomans)

Peugeot Pars gasoline year


Zero kilometers

283 million

Simple Peugeot Pars


Zero kilometers

270 million

Peugeot Pars dual burner


Zero kilometers

349 million

PARS Peugeot LX Aluminum rims


Zero kilometers

328 million

PARS Peugeot LX


Zero kilometers

345 million

Peugeot Pars Automatic


Zero kilometers

425 million

Peugeot Pars Automatic


Zero kilometers

400 million

Price source: Bama


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