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How to quench your thirst for shopping? / The role of cyberspace in increasing the desire to shop

Family group: Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves. The fact is that shopping is fun for many of us. A pastime that does not seem to be of much use to us and eventually fills us with things we have bought out of lust and need and may reduce our money for shopping and doing the necessary things. But how do you reduce this urge to buy?

We have some suggestions for you:

Delay the purchase

For many of us, the feeling of needing a product is an instantaneous feeling, and if we wait a few hours, that feeling may disappear and you can even tell yourself how good it was that I did not buy it. So if you feel like you want to buy a certain product at once, delay it. If after a delay your sense of need for that product subsides, it turns out that you did not need much. If after a few days you see that you need that product again and you want it, then proceed to buy it.

Forbidden marketing

Many of us, when we want to walk or go somewhere for fun, the first suggestion that comes to mind is shopping and shopping. Marketing multiplies the desire to buy. So instead of shopping, it is better to choose another place for friendly appointments and various entertainments. The more space you experience, the more money and savings you will save. Marketing, even if it does not end with shopping, is full of goods that you would like to have but do not buy, and you will miss it.

Online ‌Shop

Online shops, especially on Instagram, offer goods for sale for each occasion. Yalda night, Eid night, autumn, summer Anything you can think of can be an excuse for online shops to prepare everything from shoes and clothes to decorations. So if you think you are very much influenced by online shops. Clear shopping apps and sales accounts.

Remove popular blogs

Many bloggers publish individual photos and content of themselves. You are encouraged to buy goods for which you have been paid. They talk about having a product specifically as if it’s one of your basic needs and you should have it. So rid yourself of bloggers who are constantly pushing you to buy.

Browse your wardrobe and furniture

Every time you crave new clothes and scarves and shoes and clothes and feel that you must buy clothes, it is better to open your closet and shoes and see if you really need something new? Do you need fresh clothes? Do you still think you need the tools you have? Be honest with yourself.

Do not talk about shopping

Talking about buying it also increases the desire for it. Many of our friends are constantly talking about the purchases they have made or are about to make. From auctions in the market to newly opened shops. It is better to take the pulse of the word in these times and put the discussion from buying to another place, otherwise you may fall into the trap of this word again. You know that reckless shopping is the enemy of savings!

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