How to strengthen your communication skills?

Family group Communication skills are one of the ten lifestyle skills that psychologists emphasize. Many people, despite their great success in their career or any other field, do not succeed in establishing a good emotional relationship, and the reason for this is rooted in the type of relationship they have.
Even communication skills, in addition to emotional relationships and establishing the right relationship with the opposite sex for marriage, go back to job skills. A boss needs the skills to communicate with his employees, several employees with each other and even with other jobs and in other sections of society.
Learning to communicate verbally can turn relationships into a win-win game. In this report, we try to address some of the communication skills that seem simple but are very effective in people’s lives with a few examples:
1. Correct the expression of your feelings
It is better to use sentences that start with “I” to express emotions
For example: I am sad or I feel angry so that the other party is aware of our feelings.
2. Manage your request
To ask another to change his behavior, it is better to do it in one sentence in three parts. The first part can be the feeling of the person, the second part can describe the behavior of the other party and the third part can be the expression of expectation, of course, the first and second parts can be moved.
For example, when you talk, you cut me off and this upsets me.
I’m waiting for you to finish my talk.
3- Translating “should” and “should not” into question sentences
Turn do’s and don’ts into question sentences like “not better”.
For example, instead of “You should not be late!” We can say, “Isn’t it better to let me know before it’s too late?”
4. Pay attention to your body language
Your body language is your skill. If you want to show that you are listening to the other person, you should not yawn or have your head on the phone. Making eye contact with others, the way they sit, and even reacting to what they say is a communication skill that makes you eager or reluctant, even if you have not spoken a word.
5. Learn storytelling
If you have trouble with conferences and job presentations, practice storytelling. This will make you more successful in a job interview or conference.
6. Ask questions
When talking to someone, ask questions, react, and repeat some of their words to show that the discussion is interesting to you, in order to show yourself and say that you care about what he or she says and that you are not distracted. Say, for example: I got it right, you want to travel this weekend, right? “You do a very good job, you eliminate the fatigue of all this work.”
Or, for example, ask him: What are your plans for the summer or what other books have you read?
6. Get rid of annoyances
Mobile phone is one of these constant annoyances, whether in a business appointment or to meet the opposite sex, it is completely rude to have the phone in your hand unless you want to get rid of him so that he gets tired and leaves!
7. Be concise and helpful
Some people start with “B” in the name of God to explain a small subject and remember their childhood memories without looking at the other person and how he likes to hear these memories or whether it is important to him or not. , Or whether there is a place to say those words or not.
It is better to have a short and useful speech and it will definitely be more effective than if you want to constantly twist the word and in the end it is not clear what you mean.
8. Be empathetic
Once upon a time, you went to your friend’s father’s funeral, but you could not communicate with a friend who was constantly crying and upset because you did not sympathize with him. Your spouse needs your empathy when he or she is tired from work, when he or she is sad and crying, or when a friend has lost a loved one. To be by his side, put your hand on his shoulder and say that you share this discomfort with him.
9. Strengthen listening
Many people seem to listen to you, but in reality their senses are somewhere else. These people have a very negative effect on their audience, they do not even count their spouse or children on them because they say that our father does not listen to us, he only speaks for himself. One who does not listen, only speaks! It is better to learn to listen well, to listen to the other person correctly, to react positively or negatively to him, to confirm or deny his words, to ask him questions sometimes and to talk to him about some issues. Empathize.
Good listening skills are also very effective for a manager at work and how he or she interacts with employees, and it determines well whether he or she can continue to work with these employees in the future.
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