Digital currencyEconomical

If you saw Einstein bitcoin!

In every period of history there have been people who have clearly been different from the people of their time. These people have each worked in different fields and arenas; But the common denominator of all of them has been that they have been able to improve the situation of the people and the world and have a remarkable effect; In such a way that the lives of all the people of the world are somehow dependent on their activities.

For example, Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, is one of those people who, although he has preferred not to be identified, has made a huge and undeniable change in the world. Many people may not have heard his name; But they are familiar with his fascinating and controversial invention, bitcoin.

Another prominent figure in the entire history of the world is Einstein. It can be said with certainty that few people live in the modern age and have not heard of Einstein. One of the possible questions for digital currency lovers is, “If Einstein were alive and he saw bitcoin, what would he probably think of it and how would he think about its various aspects?”

In this matter to help an essay Written from the Bitcoin Magazine website, we have tried to answer this interesting question from the author. So join us to see how you would think about Bitcoin if Einstein were alive today.

In terms of thermodynamics

Let’s go straight to the point with this quote from Einstein:

Classical thermodynamics is the only physical theory of the universe that I think will never go away.

First of all, I must point out that I am not a physicist; So, please do not criticize me for any mistakes. We all know that the first law of thermodynamics says that energy is neither made nor destroyed; Rather, it changes from one state to another; That is the same as energy conservation. According to the second law of thermodynamics, every time a change of state, some of this energy is wasted or wasted. This situation will lead to an increase in disorder over time.

Michael Saylor talks about this in detail. In his view, Bitcoin is the conservative monetary system and the first monetary system to adhere to the laws of thermodynamics. Bitcoin is a closed system that has the least amount of energy loss in its proof-of-work algorithm. A bitcoin unit is still a bitcoin, no matter how much it is transferred over time and space.

The system’s internal inflation, that is, its extraction bonuses and transaction fees, may initially be considered a “waste”; But these mechanisms are essential for the proper and uninterrupted operation of this network. We must not forget that even the most systemic adherence to the laws of thermodynamics will lead to a slight loss. Even a stock proof system could not offer the same function as a proof of work with the same degree of integration and needlessness of intermediaries, and I think Einstein would have admired the bitcoin proof system if he were alive.


Einstein says:

Everything should be as simple as possible; But not too simple.

You have to keep in mind that the Internet is full of quotes that are wrongly attributed to Einstein; For example, “the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect to get different results.” In this article, I have tried to avoid this technique. The above quote is part of a longer quote from one of Einstein’s lectures in 1933. Of course, Einstein’s words are not quoted exactly; But the purpose of his opinion has been preserved.

If you saw Einstein bitcoin!

Bitcoin also adheres to this simple rule; How about Bitcoin WhitePaper is only 9 pages long. Satoshi Nakamoto wrote in the first line of the Bitcoin White Paper:

The fully equivalent version of e-money can allow direct payment from one person to another without passing through the financial institution filter.

The sentence itself conveys the message alone. Nakamoto wrote this sentence like Shakespeare’s sentences in such a way that if we remove any word from it, the meaning of the whole sentence will change. Even the bitcoin blockchain code is not very complicated and the original version of bitcoin is written with only 9,000 lines of code. Compare this to similar networks that use multiple layers of code.

What might you think about the world of pennies, airdrops, profit cultivation, nuclear payments, gas, stock proof and equity? What did Einstein think about these concepts? This may be a little controversial; But I do not think that these new achievements could have attracted Einstein as much as Bitcoin and come out of this test proud.

In terms of innovation

Einstein says:

I think for months and years. Out of every 100 times, I get the wrong result 99 times and only get the right result once.

There is often a misconception that coin operators innovate by promoting bitcoin design and maintaining its superiority in the world of digital currencies; But when you understand the distributed and decentralized nature of bitcoin and its security model, and realize that it can not be improved without wasting the distinguishing elements of bitcoin, the idea of ​​bitcoin upgrading and improvement will disappear from your mind. As Vijay Boyapati points out in his new book, The Bullish Case for Bitcoin, some misconceptions focus on the technical features of bitcoin rather than its monetary features.

If you saw Einstein bitcoin!

To make the connection between Einstein and bitcoin, just remind yourself that bitcoin came into being after years of trial and error and a combination of concepts such as public key cryptography and privacy and proof of work. In fact, many of these concepts existed independently before bitcoin; But they failed to end up with a unified and universal digital currency. Therefore, we can conclude that bitcoin is the one hundredth time that it came out of the water and reached the desired result.

In terms of knowledge and education

The important thing is not to stop asking questions. Curiosity also has its reasons.

In this regard, there is another quote that says:

Education is exactly what a person remembers if he or she forgets what he or she has learned in school.

The second quote is often attributed to Einstein; But this sentence actually existed before Einstein, and he mentions it in his writings. Since Einstein himself did not know the original source of this quote, he used it in the form of a general proverb or a kind of joke.

If you saw Einstein bitcoin!

You will be shocked if you know how many Bitcoin fans agree with this quote. A thorough understanding of bitcoin requires the mind of the questioner and the acquisition of knowledge in various aspects. This corresponds exactly to the above quote about questioning and curiosity.

In terms of truth and awareness

Blind obedience to the powerful is the greatest enemy of truth.

Einstein made the above statement in a letter in the early 1920s. Proponents of Bitcoin are often skeptical of the powerful and politicians because of the hostility of governments and central banks to the digital currency, and more importantly, Bitcoin is primarily designed to eliminate centralism and does not rely on any power or authority to carry out its activities. Interestingly, the Western world has generally obsolete the idea of ​​centrally planned economics; But it still (even more so) insists on centralized money.

If you saw Einstein bitcoin!

In another of Einstein’s quotations we read:

The eternal secret of the world is its comprehensibility.

This quote is reminiscent of the ideas of Nassim Nicholas Taleb, especially in Fooled by Randomness. “People exaggerate their knowledge of complex systems,” he writes in the book. Einstein was a physicist, and of course this quote must also be considered from the point of view of a physicist; But I think it can be used more widely. In this quote, Einstein refers to the complexity of the world and life.

From the point of view of peace

Peace cannot be maintained by force; It can only be achieved through understanding and cognition. You can not subdue a nation by force; Unless you wipe out all his men, women and children. If you do not intend to do so; So you have to find a way to resolve disputes and conflicts without resorting to weapons. The unbridled power of the atom has changed everything but our way of thinking, and that has led us to an unprecedented catastrophe.

The first line of the above quote is often used alone in different situations; But it is not possible to understand its full meaning without reading the rest of the quotation. Einstein said the above in a speech in 1930. This sentence contains a kind of shocking prophecy. Over the course of 15 years, military and military equipment increased so much that nations could wipe each other off the world stage altogether. The following is a quote from 1946 and the following:

Many have questioned my recent message that “a new kind of thinking is needed to save humanity and move to higher levels.” In evolutionary processes, a species must adapt to new conditions in order to survive. Today, the atomic bomb has changed the nature of the world, and the human species finds itself in a new habitat to which it must adapt its thinking. In the light of this new knowledge, the existence of a world power and authority is essential not only for global unity, but also for human survival. In previous periods, the life and culture of a nation could be preserved by the growth of military weapons. Today, we must put aside this arms race and turn to cooperation. This must become an important consideration in all our international interactions; Otherwise, we will face disaster. Past thoughts and methods could not prevent a world war; So thinking about the future must prevent war.

I think the text above is very close to this quote from Einstein: “We can not solve problems with the same thinking that led to them.” Here are some thoughts similar to those of Jason Lowery, a US Department of Defense official in charge of bitcoin research.

If you saw Einstein bitcoin!

Lowry has always stated in his tweets and که that despite Bitcoin, we are now facing a kind of hybrid digital commodity that is destroying the superiority of physical assets. This is while the military powers protect and fight against these physical assets. It is worth noting that this does not mean that physical assets have no value; Rather, it means that their value is declining.

If Bitcoin is properly protected, it will be more difficult to steal or attack than any other asset; Whether the attacker is an individual or a company or a government. This may eventually lead to a more peaceful society. If the whole world comes to a proper understanding of the digital property rights that Bitcoin offers to all the people of the world without any distinction, an agreement will be reached that will reduce war and strife.

Another interesting dimension of the above quote that can relate to bitcoin is the need for a single global power. In our world today, the biggest obstacle to building this global power is the problem of trust. Bitcoin has eliminated the need for intermediaries in its operations; Therefore, it can be used as money for all people in the world and alleviate Einstein’s concern.


What you read is the views of a member of the bitcoin community who believes that if Einstein were alive, bitcoin would probably be real! He examines his point of view from various angles and states his reasons for proving this claim.

A summary of Michael Silver’s views is that Bitcoin, as a digital currency, is in line with Einstein’s ideas, both thermodynamically and theoretically, as well as in terms of knowledge and awareness, and in terms of peace. Of course, the extent to which these ideas are defensible is an issue that you, as the audience, can realize after reading this.

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