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Imam’s last advice to women before surgery / piety and avoid absenteeism

Family group Dr. Fatemeh Tabatabai, the daughter of Ayatollah Mohammad Baqer Soltani Tabatabai, is the second bride of Imam Khomeini to marry the late Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini, and the result of this marriage is three sons. Their maternal grandfather, Ayatollah Sadr al-Din al-Sadr, was one of the leading scholars. He studied Islamic mysticism and became the president of the Scientific Association of Islamic Mysticism and the director of the Islamic Mysticism Department of the Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution Research Institute. The result of this marriage is three sons. In his memoirs entitled “Climate of Memories”, he narrated various issues about life with Imam Khomeini (as) and the events of his life, courtship with him, preparations for courtship, their marriage and other issues about the founder of the revolution that took place in his life. اند.

Imam Khomeini’s bride recounts her memories from the age of 14, her marriage to the late Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini until the return of Imam Khomeini to Iran on February 3, 1979.

He writes about his memory of the first visit of the Imam: I saw Ayatollah Khomeini for the first time in the shrine of Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (AS). I would have liked to see him and greet him when he entered the shrine, but unfortunately this was not possible, because in the clergy family it was not customary for women to talk to men in the streets… at that time a deep and correct knowledge of his personality “I did not, but I knew he was a great authority who was deported to Iraq by the Iranian regime.”

He has quoted Imam Khomeini about order; One day I was lecturing at a group at home. In the crowd, a person loudly asked others to send Salawat, and he repeated this several times. A friend came to me and said: Some people want to disrupt your parliament. Let us take them out? I said: No, you do not interfere! Leave it to me.

Then I addressed the crowd and said: If you do not let me speak here, I will go to the court of Imam Masoumeh (AS) and give a speech there. With this word, they left the parliament and I continued my speech. . The Imam added: “I understood that they are in charge of disrupting the parliament, and when they realize that I am dragging the meeting from the house to the courtyard, they have to inform their chairmen and do their homework;” So in this short time I will have the opportunity to retell my content and so it was.

Fatemeh Tabatabai mentions a teacher who learned from her in a special way and quoted the Imam as saying that I and two other people went to his house to study. When we entered, the teacher would say, “Open the book and start arguing,” and he himself would be patiently making the hookah. He was making fire. He would soak the tobacco and … then he would sit down and smoke a hookah, but all his attention was on us. When our discussion was over, he would sometimes say something about it that was very valuable, and sometimes he would not say anything, and we would get up and say goodbye and go to another taro.

* Faithfulness to the covenant

One night the Imam said: I was smoking in my youth. Until one cold winter night while I was studying behind a chair, I came across something important and my mind became very busy understanding it. Meanwhile, I left the room to get a cigarette. When I returned, as soon as I looked at the book, which I had left on the floor and was looking for a cigarette, I felt ashamed and promised myself not to smoke anymore. I turned it off and stopped smoking.

* Imam’s disease

It was in 1958 that a heartache occurred for Imam Khomeini in Qom and at Mr. Ishraqi’s house. For a while, the doctors came and went there until the gentleman was supposed to be transferred to Tehran. I remember that Imam Khomeini, while lying on the bed, called Ms. and Ahmad Agha and placed Hajj Khanum’s hand in Hajj Sayyid Ahmad Agha’s hand and said: “Ahmad, be careful lady, “She has worked very hard, take care of her.”

Although Imam Khomeini had some discomfort and pain, but his condition was not so bad and we also joked and laughed a little there after ordering Haj Khanum to take care of Ahmad Agha. The Imam was to be transferred to Tehran that night. A very interesting and strange memory that I remember is that in those days many people came to visit Imam Khomeini. But when they found out that he was sick and could not see him because of boredom, they were very upset.

But these people, who always chanted eagerly to meet the Imam, when the ambulance carrying the Imam was moving in the alley, although the alley was full of people, but without prior coordination , All the sounds were trapped in his chest and not the slightest sound was heard.When the ambulance left, the absolute silence was broken and the sounds were raised in the form of screams and moans and all hands They prayed to God and asked for the Imam’s health. The

* The apple that was blown for my child

It was 65 and I was pregnant with Ali. The Imam was also very careful and took special care of me. Every time I went to visit them, they would give me the apple that they recited a special prayer while reciting the Qur’an and reaching Surah Yusuf, and they would give it to me. If I wanted to lift a glass, they would say, “It should not be heavy.”

Meanwhile, in those days, in order to control the sick condition of Imam Khomeini, by the order of Haj Seyyed Ahmad Agha, news bells were installed in different places. It was afternoon and I was home alone. Suddenly I saw the bell ring, I jumped, I went to the gentleman’s room. I saw that they were standing in the bathroom and their color had changed a bit. They were at the bathroom door. I said: Sir, are you not well? They said, “Tell the doctor,” and they said the same thing. I told you to put your hand on my shoulder, they put it.

I felt that their condition was not good at all, all I did was put the Imam’s two hands on my two shoulders and sit quietly on the ground so that he would not fall. I sat down and put them to sleep on the floor. At the same time, Dr. Pourmoghadas arrived and immediately started working, pressed, did not have pressure vision, and then started medical procedures. Ahmad Agha was not there either. It was an urgent meeting that they had announced and he was there. Mr. Ansari came.

Of course, it took a minute for the others to arrive. Dr. Pourmoghadas kept pressing, he saw that there was no pressure. He lifted them under his feet until he was slowly pressed. I do not remember the doctor’s condition that when he saw that some pressure had risen, he fell involuntarily on the sphygmomanometer and kissed the device. Then the Imam opened their eyes and they got a little better, made a bed and put the Imam to sleep. A few minutes later, Haj Ahmad Agha came and took the Imam to Baqiyatallah clinic. Transferred. The

One of these nights, apparently Haj Ahmad Agha had told the gentlemen and the gentlemen came to our house, but I do not know if the meeting was related to the situation in the country or to the illness of Imam Khomeini. When these meetings were held in our house, Imam Khomeini would come and sit in the meeting for a while and talk. After the Imam left, guests were given dinner. Imam did not sit at the table for dinner. Sometimes when I asked them, “Why don’t you sit down?” “I feel they are not comfortable in my presence.” The Imam left and we had dinner. The

* Imam’s recommendations to women

One or two days before Imam went to the hospital for surgery, I was at his service. We came together to eat, because the lady had back pain and they were up and could not go down the stairs. As they passed in front of our room, they said to me, “Are you going to have lunch there together?” “Because women can not come down.” I said: Yes, sir, we are at your service, we came together. In the yard, when Haj Ahmad Agha arrived and said to him: Sir, how many doctors have come to work with you? The

The Imam said: “Very well, tell them to be in my room, I am going to their side now, and they left immediately, and maybe it did not take ten minutes, they went to the doctors and returned. When they came, I was waiting for them in the yard. “They told me, ‘The doctors say,’ You have to have surgery. ‘ I said: Why? Because they had no discomfort before; That is, we did not see any particular discomfort from them at all, such as a change in their plans or the closure of their plans, we did not see anything, except that they had found a certain weakness and the extent that the step They were beating, they were getting tired, but we had not seen anything else. Because it was so strange to me, I asked: Why? You are not upset. They said: “My stomach is upset; “And the doctors say we have to operate on the stomach.” At the same time, the women, who were supposedly waiting for the Imam, came to look out of the window. The

The Imam said, “My lady, I will go to the hospital for surgery tomorrow.” Lady: For what? The

Imam: “Well, I’m going for surgery and then it ‘s over, I’ll not come back.” What are these words! God willing, you will return to health. No more, sir, they said nothing. We came and had lunch. In addition to Imam and Ms., Lily and I were also Ms. Boroujerdi. Imam said: “I wanted to raise an issue for you. I have lived my life. It’s not a problem anymore, I’m going to the hospital tomorrow, but apparently this is the last lunch we will eat together. ”I said: No, sir, what are these words !? I put some jokes on the job, saying: I may not be tomorrow either. The evening I go out may be accidental, yes there are always possibilities, I may not be up at night. The

The Imam said, “No, do not joke, I am serious.” We did not say anything more, but at the same time we were very upset, we wanted to make it normal. They said: “Now my order to you is to be careful, young people, especially women, are absent in their assemblies; You should avoid absenteeism, even hearing absenteeism may be more difficult; Be careful not to gossip, be pious; Know that there is “going” anyway, and you must get rid of this series of ugly morals, especially absenteeism; “Be careful not to attend absentee parties.” We were already very upset. The

I said: Sir, these orders are very good and always have these orders for us, but do not tell me today. “Anyway, with the plan you have for tomorrow, it’s a bit difficult for us to hear.” “There is no problem.” After a while, they told me, “Come on.” I went and sat in front of them. They said: “Call your father, Mr. Soltani, they are very good men, I believe in him very much; Call them and tell them to pray that God will accept me. I said: Eyes, I will tell you later.

The Imam said, “No, listen to what I have to say. Today, today, go and make a phone call and say, ‘Pray that God will accept me.’

Source: Imam Khomeini Portal and Fatemeh Tabatabai’s diary

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