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Judiciary »Allocating 970 billion rials to solve the problems of the Fars jurisdiction

The head of the judiciary said that the jurisdiction of Fars province is the largest jurisdiction in the country and has 26 centers. And allocated resources to organizations for essential needs, especially forensics and prisons and some courthouses.

According to the General Directorate of Public Relations of the Judiciary, Ayatollah Ra’isi stated in the press conference of his visit to Fars province about the achievements of this trip: Following the dispatch of a 40-member delegation that was sent to Fars Province four months ago by the Judiciary Headquarters, problems Judicial and administrative aspects of the province were examined.

The head of the judiciary continued: “Due to the Corona issue, we were not able to be present in this province sooner; But in today’s trip, these field investigations and what was mentioned in the meetings were examined in the meeting of the high judicial officials of Fars province in the presence of the representative, the supreme leader and the governor.

He said: The jurisdiction of Fars province is the largest jurisdiction in the country and has 26 centers. According to studies, 970 billion rials were allocated during this trip to solve the problems of the Fars jurisdiction, which was allocated from the resources of the judiciary and provincial resources and resources of organizations for essential needs, especially for forensic medicine and prisons and some judicial buildings. .

Ayatollah Ra’isi continued: “I hope that with the follow-up of the Chief Justice of Fars Province and the governor, the approvals of this trip will not be postponed to next year and this year we will be able to meet the essential needs of Fars Province.”

Regarding the status of cases in Fars province, the head of the judiciary said: “The statistics that we had from Fars province before entering the province showed that many of the cases that are being discussed in Fars province today are cases that are being processed at the time.” Takes. There are perhaps three to five cases that are multifaceted, most of which have been resolved and some of which are related to the convicted person’s own property and are being pursued.

He acknowledged: “Both inspections and reports indicate that the cases in Fars province are up-to-date, and this issue should be protected and efforts should be made to reach a more timely and up-to-date situation.”

Regarding the issues of Fars province, Ayatollah Ra’isi pointed out: In the meeting of the administrative council of the province, which was held in the presence of the governor and the representative of the Supreme Leader, the managers of the province raised points and we came to the conclusion that in the year of production leap Workshops that are closed or semi-closed should be planned and their reactivation should be pursued through the province and the responsible agencies.

The head of the judiciary said: “Obstacles should be removed as much as possible with the available budgets and credits, and factories and workshops should return to the production line.”

Referring to the meeting with some of those who referred to the judiciary, he said: “In this meeting, we met with some producers.” It was decided that the collections related to them would return to the production cycle within a limited period of time.

In another part of his speech, Ayatollah Ra’isi emphasized the need to seriously deal with land grabbing and change of uses in Fars province and said: “These measures are done because of the attractions of Fars province and should be done through responsible organizations such as natural resources, forest organization.” And the Environment Organization to work in this regard, and we expect the Ministry of Jihad for Agriculture and the Ministry of Energy to take action and follow up on the issue of water, which is an important issue here.

The head of the judiciary added: “In these cases, if something is related to the judiciary, it will definitely be followed.”

Referring to the meeting with the nomads, he said: “This meeting was a very pleasant meeting for me.” Zealous nomads are a national asset throughout the country; Especially in Fars province, where their record of resistance against the British is a record of history and their bravery in the holy defense and the great martyrs they sacrificed, shows their commitment to Iran and Islam, and therefore to the tribes, praise be to God, thanks to the Islamic Revolution. Attention; But it still requires that their problems be seen specifically.

Ayatollah Ra’isi acknowledged: “Alhamdulillah, he is the governor of the tribes and in addition to the active tribal council, it was decided to form a quick working group and some of the problems that these loved ones have, especially with the presence of the judiciary, inspection organization, tribal organization and sections.” Relevant and in the presence of Mr. Governor and executive officials to be followed in a special way.

He added: “We hope that thanks to the holy existence of Ahmad Ibn Musa PBUH and the holy existence of the great Imams and the blessed blood of 15,000 martyrs of Fars province and the holy breath of the fathers and mothers of the martyrs and the dear loved ones of Fars province, these problems and Obstacles should be removed and we should have very promising measures for Fars province and the dear people in this province.

In the last part of his speech, the head of the judiciary said: From all our dear colleagues who could not be seen, and from all the dear people who could not be served due to the coronary situation, from the colleagues who work in different parts of the province and from I have to apologize to their honorable families.

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