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Let’s use the methods of controlling anger and rage in Ramadan / the benevolent behavior of Ahl al-Bayt (AS)

Life group We often hear the elders say: Ramadan is not only the month of keeping the stomach hungry from eating and drinking, but also the month of keeping eyes, tongue, ears, as well as controlling behavior and especially anger. That is, in addition to protecting the abdomen, we must also do things that bring us closer to divine piety.

One of the behaviors that makes us unable to control our tongues and limbs is not controlling our anger and rage. That we get out of the oven with a small incident while driving and get into a fight with other drivers, that we argue with others to buy bread at the bakery; We may get involved. At home with our spouse and children or parents, in the face of co-workers at work we can not control our anger and hurt others with our tongues; These are signs that we have no control over our anger.

Some people say that fasting people are even more moody under the pretext of hunger and thirst, but this is not true. Only a person with a bad temper can normally be more moody during Ramadan, while Ramadan can be an opportunity for us to decide. If, normally, our tolerance threshold is low and we get angry quickly, do things that give us more control over ourselves and, in a sense, have a self-improvement.

* Why is Ramadan a good opportunity to forsake sins?

Hojjatoleslam “Mahmoud Riazat”, a religious expert and one of the preachers of Tehran In this regard, he tells Fars: “In the holy month of Ramadan, there is a potential in terms of time that God helps man to leave sin. Because God is gracious and is gracious in Ramadan, that is, if man decides that Repent of his wrongdoings, the best month is Ramadan.

Therefore, according to the Imams, before you want to repent, try to eliminate the immoral vice in your being, because if we do all the obligatory and recommended things and we are immoral, it will not work. Therefore, a good-natured believer has much higher degrees than other believers, even an infidel who is not immoral is better than a bad-tempered and fierce believer, and this was emphasized by the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) that a believer’s immorality may lead him to disbelief, but good morals. The infidel may lead him to the path of religion.

Shamar was one of the soldiers of Imam Ali (AS) in the battle of Safin and he worked hard, but one of the things that made him become Shamar was his immorality. From ancient times, when they wanted to give an example of someone who was bad-tempered and angry, they said it was like Shamar, but if they wanted to praise someone, they would say: Khalq has Muhammad, that is, our family is always at the head of the Prophet (PBUH). They were known for their good manners and not being angry.

1- Do not decide when you are angry!

Since the holy month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for human beings to have self-improvement and anger and rage bring with them many evils, so according to Hojjatoleslam, austerity is in our religious definitions that you should not decide when you are angry and resentful, because it causes regret. Be!

2- Change your location

When man does not overcome his anger, his mind goes away and his decisions will be without thought, so we must try to control anger, one of these ways is for man to change his state, that is, for example, if he sits, tall Or if he stands, sits and breathes, or even changes the environment, for example, to go to another room or leave the house.

3. Do not be angry with others

It has been narrated from the Imams (AS) that we should practice not to anger anyone. Imam Sajjad and Prophet Jesus (pbuh) have narrated such a narration. We also have in the Sunnah of the Prophet that the Ahl al-Bayt (pbuh) did not get angry. Whatever he does is a sin because the human intellect disappears. If we are followers of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS), in the holy month of Ramadan, we should follow their advice to acquire virtues and do things to stop being angry.

4. Respect the veterans and be kind to the younger ones

Examples of the commands of the Imams (as) to stop anger and rage; The Prophet (PBUH) said to respect the elders and veterans and keep the sanctity of their white hair. A young person can maintain respect when he or she is not aggressive.

Also treat the little ones kindly. If a father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother are harsh, can they be kind to someone younger than themselves or their youth, especially during Ramadan? No, it is not possible! Only when one can behave kindly and generously during the month of Ramadan should one be good-natured during all periods. That is, even if the other party is angry with you, he does not respond and behaves kindly.

Practice thinking and silence

One of the most virtuous deeds in Ramadan is “thinking”. When we want to talk, we think beforehand that this makes us no longer angry. Unfortunately, today in the shutter society, thinking has come down, especially in groups where we see that some people are only looking for the apparent symbols of religion and have abandoned the principle of religion. How can we not be holy if we think that the host of Ramadan is God and the spring of this month is the Quran?

In the narrations, we have the good fortune of a person who is silent and thinks, when he thinks before any behavior, the words and actions of others can no longer make him angry. We also have in another narration that the special companions of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) were many worshipers.

5. Put yourself in the shoes of others when you are angry

If we are very silent and think a lot, even if someone says something irrelevant to us, it is as if we have not heard that we want to react, but sometimes it happens that our capacity decreases during life or in this blessed month. In such cases, it is better to put ourselves in the place of the other side, that is, for example, if we have made an accident, instead of anger, we put ourselves in the place of the other side and see if there is a disease in the car that drove fast and caused the accident.

6- Raise your tolerance threshold

Today’s situation is not more difficult than during the holy war and defense. During the war, they were suffering every day, the economic situation was bad, people were losing their loved ones, but the problem was that people were saying, “Send health to the warriors, part of this is the lowering of the tolerance threshold because of our selfishness.” We think we need to put ourselves in other people’s shoes to increase our tolerance.

People were not very comfortable in the sixties, but they were calm. Nobody had a TV at that time, but now most people have a smart TV, now the comfort facilities have increased but the tranquility has decreased. Young people of that time lived with their parents, they were less likely to think about divorce because they were calm and endured problems, but now young people all want to have an independent home, of course they have a right, but they have little peace, they get angry quickly Fighting with father, mother, wife, divorce rate has risen due to lower tolerance threshold.

God willing, in the holy month of Ramadan, our understanding of life will rise.

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