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Make a homemade mouthwash with this herb

According to Fars News Agency’s health group, thrush refers to a complication that usually occurs on the tongue. This disease is specific to the oral mucosa and affects infants and toddlers, as well as the elderly (those who have dentures instead of a few natural teeth). In some cases, the severity of the lesion may be so severe that it is difficult for the person to swallow, eat, or drink, and sometimes other parts (oral mucosa) may be affected.

Monira Nourmohammadi, an expert at the Jihad-e-Daneshgahi Medicinal Plants Research Institute, said about this disease and the herbal medicines effective in its treatment: If the treatment of mumps or thrush is not related to a significant discomfort, it can be easily treated with some herbs.

He stated: The use of decoction of sage and wild celery leaves in the form of gentle rinsing of the oral mucosa and gargling of the mouth, has a therapeutic effect in this disease.

Noor Mohammadi explained: Salvia miltiorrhiza contains tannins, glucosides, soaps, sugars, glutamine, asparagine and various minerals and is used in external uses for snow diseases, sore throats and rheumatism.

He added: Fifty grams of sage leaves or flowering stems, wild celery leaves or Vaccinium Myrtillus leaves, fresh or dried, in a liter of cold water and put the contents on the fire to boil. Then remove from the heat and wait for five minutes. Then rub it into your thawed mouth and rinse your mouth with it. Rinse your mouth with it five to six times a day. To treat bleeding gums, rinsing with sage is also effective and useful.

Noor Mohammadi pointed out in the end: Salvia miltiorrhiza has many medicinal properties, including tonic and invigorating, and its other properties include the treatment of diarrhea, stomach pain, slow digestion, as well as for menopausal disorders, extreme fatigue.

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