
Mass-producers criticize the building pre-sale law

According to Tejarat News, Iraj Rahbar said about the current law on the sale of buildings: In order to see how well a law has worked, we must see how much it has been able to help solve the problem of the legislator in practice. We once had 4,000 pre-sale fraud cases and we wanted to solve that.

Asked if we did not create another problem by passing this law and resolving this issue, and did not prevent an economic driver, namely the housing sector, he added: “Financing in the construction sector is a precise and complex issue and should be important for this.” Let’s face management. A producer must be able to benefit from a variety of financing methods, and the use of liquidity available at the community level must be conducive to banking facilities. Why close public roads and put pressure on banking facilities?

He continued: “One of the good things was that we accredited and qualified mass-producers by the Ministry of Roads.” We could have done the same qualification in the field of pre-sale and prevent cases. Whatever law you pass, you must see if it is enforceable or not.

The vice-president of the Tehran Mass Builders Association added: “This law provides for a technical identity card of a property that had no precedent before its approval and no device was responsible for its implementation.” We have also assigned a task to the technical supervisor who must report to the bureau, while he has not been paid for this responsibility and is not responsible for it. These are problems in the law that we could have used much better solutions.

The Supreme Leader emphasized: One of the best solutions is to create a system for online communication so that the pre-sold property cannot be resold. But instead we passed a very complex and disruptive law whose implementation would lock in processes. Of course, in the new amendment to this law, some of these obstacles have been removed.

Source: Tasnim

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