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Message to the new director of the Environmental Protection Agency

According to Moj News Agency, Mohammad Shahmoradi is an expert on issues the environment To plan the challenges facing the presidency Environmental Protection Organization He wrote and wrote in a note about the expectations that go from this sensitive position:

Article 50 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran states that “In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the protection of the environment, in which the present and future generations should have a growing social life, is considered a public duty. “Economic activities other than those that intersect with environmental pollution or irreparable damage are prohibited.”

This important principle in the constitution fully crystallizes the need to protect the environment and living areas as a public duty. However, many environmental experts and professors believe that the events that took place in the years after the end of the imposed war and due to the country’s need for economic development in the natural areas of our country and the same trend in different governments and Influenced by other factors such as unfair and oppressive international sanctions against the country, the inevitable impact of our country from global threats and dangers to the environment, the effects of destructive actions and interventions of surrounding countries in the environment of their countries on Iran’s environment and … Iran’s nature Today, given the rapid pace of environmental degradation on the one hand and the inevitable and growing need of Iranians for natural resources on the other, it reveals a clear truth that there is no longer a chance for trial and error. And there must be a balance between the various capabilities of nature and the ways in which they are dealt with in the direction of natural moderation, and that is the parallelism of development and conservation at the same time.

With this introduction, it can be concluded that the 10-storey building of Pardisan, it is better to witness the presence of someone who, in addition to attracting the support of critics, activists and environmental experts inside and outside the Environmental Protection Organization, is aware of many problems inside and outside his organization. And the need for a new and Christian movement to the body of the Environment Organization and the nature of Iran as a vital matter and be able to blow it.

Except for the mentioned cases, but the head of the Environmental Protection Organization will have a hard way in a dream with the current problems and challenges of our country’s environment. These are the problems that are the most important if we want to enumerate them.

1- Challenges in the field of natural environment

For many years, the Environmental Protection Agency has defined areas as four areas (1- national parks, 2- protected areas, 3- wildlife sanctuaries, 4- natural and national monuments), each of which has a definition and value. Has its own protection. But despite the different definitions, what these areas have in common are the problems and challenges they have long faced. Problems that, if continued, would have left little room for analysis in these areas, and the future vice president and head of the organization would face many problems in this area, including:

– Severe shortage of manpower and numerous problems of work and livelihood of environmentalists

– Reducing biodiversity

– Increase in poaching due to the multiplication of licensed and unlicensed weapons

– Closure or semi-closure of national and international bio-projects such as the Asian Cheetah Conservation Project and concerns about the loss of its implementation achievements

Lack and non-implementation of biological and ecological studies in national parks and protected areas

– Unfavorable situation of ecotourism and problems facing it

– Desertification and its problems ….

– Drying of Lake Hamoon as the seventh international wetland in the world and economic and environmental problems after that

– Crisis of depletion of water resources and placement of the country’s plains in critical conditions due to over-harvesting of groundwater aquifers

– Release of municipal and industrial wastewater in rivers and pollution of groundwater and rivers with hazardous pollutants

– And most importantly, the crisis of drying of Lake Urmia as one of the biosphere reserves (biosphere reserve: international natural-bio-protected areas that in addition to conservation achievements such as providing unique study sites with Scientists and life skills experience in support of sustainable development (national and international and the only habitat of Artemia Orumiana in the world and …

2- Challenges in the field of human environment

The problems in this area are somewhat more tangible, because people suffer from a number of these contaminants in their daily lives, and most of them are man-made and their side effects. The most important of these contaminants and side effects that are directly related to public health are:

Air pollution and dust

– Crisis of water pollution and water resources in big cities;

Lack of proper attention to the sustainable development of the country based on land management and the law of environmental protection and improvement.

High rate of waste production in the country and pollution caused by it

Lack of supervision and implementation of waste management plan

The problem of disposing of hospital and industrial waste in many cities of the country

– Increase of greenhouse gases due to gases from waste and air, water, soil pollution

And …

To the above challenges must be added the problems in the field of laws and regulations. The head of the organization is expected to create mandatory conditions for compliance with the law on environmental protection and improvement and cross-sectoral, explaining the oversight role of the organization in accordance with the law to fully implement Article 50 of the Constitution and the obligation of organizations and agencies to protect the environment. N.

And of course, the lack of independent prosecution of environmental crimes in the courts, inadequate and inefficient interaction with legislators, and the lack of up-to-dateness and lack of proper deterrence of many environmental laws and regulations should also be added to the problems of environmental laws and regulations.

The head of the organization is certainly aware of the fact that the issue of environmental protection and the sustainable development of our intergenerational and transnational justice in the use of natural resources and development interests that will contribute to the realization of justice.

But in the end, I hope that any person who, in the opinion of the President, had the necessary qualifications to head the Environmental Protection Agency, will have the opportunity to turn the environment into a national concern, improve our country’s position in environmental performance rankings, inject tact and Knowledge, hope and energy to the body of the Environmental Protection Organization and creating national determination among the people and officials as a missing link in environmental protection.

انشاءا …


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