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“Mother’s Day” which is not only for mothers! / A few suggestions for those who have lost their mother

Family group: “Mother’s Day” is not just for mothers. The same goes for Mother’s Day gifts. Who said that gifts can not be given to mothers who have passed away? Mothers who may not be with us but who are aware of everything in our lives and still pray for us. If you have lost your mother and you do not know and what to fill the gap in attending Mother’s Day. Read this report.

Give charity to their intentions

The simplest gift you can send your mother. Giving vows and giving alms is their intention. It is better to do your charity in a way that reaches the needy. This charity can be an old tradition from your mother that you can fulfill or revive. You can also donate a certain amount to reputable charities for your mother’s intentions.

Read the Quran to them

Get together with your family members and try to recite a Quran with the intention of your mother, who has gone to the mercy of God. This is one of the best gifts you can give your loved one. If you can not finish a Quran in a timely manner. It is better to consider a longer interval so that you can do it. Again, read as much as you can if it is not possible.

Perform qada ‘prayers and fasts

The ancients were in charge of their fasting and prayer statistics, and they kept it in a corner so that if something happened, their children could observe it. If you can make a few prayers of qada and fasting for your mother. If it is not possible for you. You can give this amount to those who do it. There are many seminary students who do this.

Go to their graves

Pilgrimage to graves is soothing for both you and your loved one. Do not think that visiting your grave is not important because your loved one is lost. It is said that the dead rest when they climb on top of their bodies. Give this gift to your mother and make her soul calm and happy.

Visit the mothers of the martyrs

If you feel your mother’s vacancy on Mother’s Day. The mothers of the martyrs feel the emptiness of their martyr. Even if a thousand years have passed. Visit the mothers of the martyrs of your neighborhood and city. Do something for them a few days in advance. Help them if they want to go somewhere and it may be difficult for them. Just go and listen to them and ask them to pray for you. If you do not know the mother of a martyr, look at the flower garden of the martyrs of your city, which is the safest place in the world for them.

Go to a nursing home

The nursing home is full of parents who have to stay away from their children for various reasons. Mothers who have preferred their children to be away from them and have taken care of them elsewhere. Mother’s Day, the nursing home mothers are the most homesick. Many of them are blindfolded and do not expect their children to come, but they are looking for someone for whom they may play the role of mother for an hour. Visit them on Mother’s Day. Sit for a few hours talking about their motherly talk.

Perform your mother’s rites

Most mothers have their own rituals and habits in the past. In particular, they prayed. In particular, they celebrated the days of Eid. They were having a special party. Try to remember a ritual and ritual that was specific to your mother so that Mother’s Day will be sweeter for you to remember.

Have a family period

Mothers always want their children together. Enjoy seeing them together. So that they say and laugh together and they look at them. It is true that you have lost your mother, but she still loves to see her family and children together. Look at them wherever they are and enjoy that they are good and intimate with each other. So, if you have lost your mother, gather together for the peace and joy of her soul, which has become Mother’s Day for an hour.

Hold religious ceremonies for their purpose

On Mother’s Day, you can sponsor religious ceremonies in delegations. Make a sacrifice. Spend. Even hold small ceremonies at home to present to your late mother and send this gift from one world to another.

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