cultural and artisticradio and TV

Nabi: I made the “Loneliness Documentary” stories explicitly / The red line is censorship of environmental realities for me

Fars News Agency – Radio and Television Group: Every Friday night, the documentary series “Loneliness” airs on the One Sima network. A documentary series that has environmental concerns and tries to convey these problems to the people and officials with a compassionate look. Issues that may occasionally go beyond the environmental cycle and enter into socio-political and even economic issues.

Maryam Khadivi and Saeed Nabi are directing this documentary series and in addition to directing, Saeed Nabi is also producing this documentary.

We talked to Saeed Nabi, the producer and director of this documentary series, about how it was formed and the problems and red lines it had for producing this environmental documentary.

** Mr. Nabi, you started producing a solo documentary series in 1995. How is it that this documentary series, although it aired in 1400, did not become obsolete? And still the issues that it has and the way it pays to the topics are attractive to people?

That was a very good question. We have a strange environment. Golden Signatures, progressive laws, but interpreters who interpret them as they see fit, a growing movement regardless of climate and environmental assessments and unregulated exploitation with the destruction of the capital mafia and dams and water traders. Do you think the dust formed spontaneously? Or a few more days in the winter when polluted air is supposed to be the guest of our lungs, did this phenomenon occur spontaneously?

Is the drying up of rivers, many of the wetlands that today are the source of toxic sediments and dust, and the dryness of underground springs due solely to natural mechanisms? I mean, do you really think that the Zayandeh River has dried up on its own and the lack of proper management of the upstream and downstream areas and the provincial and industrial system and even the lack of a comprehensive management system in different areas was not the main cause? Or Sefidrud, which is in crisis today, did this happen to him by itself? Or the water-filled plains of Khuzestan, Karun Bozorg, Aras and Arvand, which are in crisis today, did this happen to them automatically? Did traders and the water mafia play a small role in the emergence of this crisis, or Lake Urmia, which today has become a crisis in a part of the country and its revival has swallowed the country’s budgets? ?

If we want to think that we are definitely very naive. Is it possible to ignore the role of MPs in the past years, some of whom did not refrain from any pressure on executives to bring development to their region in any way, regardless of the climate and capacity of the region, it is interesting Vaziri In order to get a vote in the parliament, he will do his best to take the helm of a ministry. Zarifi said that no other country has the opportunity for these outdated views in the field of environmental warnings and needs a management plan like the waterless countries around us. Aren’t your behaviors deceptive people? On the one hand, they say we are dehydrated, but they still have destructive views. You look now and see how much the parliament costs financially every minute? Or another minister has plans to change the use of agricultural lands, it is a direct deviation from the constitution and the vote came from the same observers of the constitution, more importantly, do not you remind yourself to tie your camels first and then rely on God. If you are going to constantly build dams and build water structures, and in water scarcity, instead of integrating lands due to populist coverings, create sediments in the rivers with your structures and empty the underground cavities and you can not manage until the water Our biodegradable assembled so why did you come?

On the other hand, if you can not properly distribute and manage the country’s water, and water efficiency in the country increases, and that you constantly empty the aquifers, is it not a delusion that we constantly pray for rain and some like you are constantly empty-handed? A plan to waste these waters and cause a crisis in the country? Is this valid? Yes, for years, unfortunately, the situation in the country has been like this and some managers can not make the right decisions, and 5 years ago, the situation was the same and we saw today.

That is why the solo documentary has never become obsolete after these five years, and it will not become obsolete in the future if the procedure is the same. Because we see that there is no written plan for us to increase water efficiency. Or they do not want to improve water consumption in the country, especially in agriculture. Because drinking water, which has a well-known situation, as well as in industry, and agricultural water, which consumes 70 to 90 percent, and we do not have a plan for this, has caused a 7 to 8 percent ratio of water consumption to total renewable water in the country. And that means disaster.

** What was the reaction of Channel One to this work?

I am happy that after many years, I was able to collaborate with Mr. Amir Mohammadi and Zayn al-Abedin on Channel One and finish this work. I think the capable managers that I know over the years and have a high understanding of the media and analyze the reality of the country well, of course there are differences, but until we tried to be completely in line with the manager of my group, I think this point It was our collaboration that led to the formation of the documentary Alone.

** The points raised in this program are very clear and very clear and transparent to the facts, and without any need to express issues and in the field of politics, questions and criticisms with politicians through themselves. He who is in the studio as an expert and filmmaker will share. What was the reaction of Channel One to the delay alone?

In these 22 years that I have been working in Channel One, in accordance with different times, I know the view of these loved ones in the broadcast of Channel One, and I think that the connection that was established between us and the knowledge we had from each other led to a common understanding. Let’s reach out and be able to explain the facts correctly. Because time passes quickly for the country’s environment, and the destructive realities before our eyes and the phenomena with which we are constantly on the side, such as dust, air pollution, or natural phenomena that have led to migration. And many villages have become uninhabited and many of our structures are collapsing.

These friends realized this fact through the dialogues that were established and through their studies, and this led us to reach a common understanding and to be able to satisfy them, so that we could broadcast the documentary alone with ease and clarity of speech and clarity of expression. . Because time is running out to protect the country’s environment, we all came to the conclusion that we need to address these issues, and we considered this as a duty and duty to be able to save our environment by producing these documentaries.

** Where is the red line of the “Lonely Documentary” series?

The red line for me is the concealment of environmental realities and the censorship of realities, and the concealment of what caused these destructive phenomena. I strongly follow the issue that we should create a culture so that the managers who caused and sponsored this work in the past years come and say why this has happened with their actions and signatures, and this should be created in the country so that Used experiences. In the constitution, the environment is part of public rights, and we should ask these dignitaries why they made decisions that in some cases, public rights were damaged and destroyed? We have to reach a solution.

On the other hand, we must help to be faithful to the category of sustainable development according to the laws and documents upstream. Sustainable development in the sense that if we form a development system in the industrial and economic fields, we must pay attention to the fact that this development must be based on our climate and based on the capacities of our nature, provided that according to the principle Let the 50 constitutions of our future not be harmed. Having a healthy environment, healthy water, healthy air, healthy soil, soil that if every inch of it is eroded, it takes a hundred years to be rehabilitated is the right of the people of our country.

What is a red line for me is the concealment of these facts and appeasement with what are known as destructive activities in the field of environment. Because I believe that the environment belongs to our children, and I always ask what sin did our children commit that they should pay for some of our irrational or commercial and profiteering behaviors with rivers, water, sea, forests, etc.? And I think one of the most important things for the media is to get both an answer and a solution, and I think along with that response, there are solutions.

On the other hand, one of the characteristics of loneliness is that it also invites successful executives and academics to reform the environment for our future. So that these solutions can be the staff of the youth who are at the top today.

** How long do you plan to be alone?

I will continue it as long as I feel that people welcome it. So far, the public response to this work has been unparalleled, and we managed to reach a large number of viewers in the second program, and this number of viewers was probably our estimate in the second month of broadcasting, and as soon as the second week aired, both the solo documentary series and the program The lingering analysis, which is a studio debate, was widely seen. I think that today the documentary Loneliness and Loneliness is taken very seriously in the political, social, environmental and industrial fields, and we can understand this from the feedback of the guests who come to the program.

** Did you have any financial problems to produce this documentary?

Ask for the truth, considering that this documentary series was produced five years ago and inflation skyrocketed in these five years, and our contract was also government and had coordinates, the documentary itself had no financial benefit for me, but also caused huge financial losses to our reputation. To maintain and not be ashamed of its professional agents, I actually lost up to 7 times the financial contract.

However, I fell short of the love of the environment and the love of the people so that I could say these environmental words and these concerns and warnings would not remain on the ground and we would be able to show the crises that we had identified. Such as the crisis of Hoor Al-Azim, dust storms, dry rivers, Anzali wetland, hunting, environmentalists, etc., which all the evidence and events after the broadcast showed that we were right. Because I think in any case, this love and motivation that I had caused this path to continue for now.

Honestly, the delay program alone is not financially justified for me at all, considering the time it takes from me, but it is my concern that has kept me alive and hopeful. Our people are thirsty for awareness in this area and would like to be aware of these issues. This motivation is constantly gaining ground in financial matters, and I do not know how long this will continue and how long I can continue in this way, but on the other hand, the current group of Channel One and their awareness of environmental issues have doubled. They motivated me to be able to continue motivated despite my financial problems, but God knows for sure how long this will continue.

** What topics will we see in the next episodes of “Lonely Delay” program?

All I can say is that in the future you will hear a lot from the documentary series of loneliness as well as loneliness, about the sensitive and important issues that the country is struggling with today in the field of environment, including economic and political issues. And a society that is tied to the environment. I promise that you will see subjects in the future alone and in a moment of loneliness that will have a huge impact on what has happened and is happening.

According to Fars, Abdolreza Amir Ahmadi is in charge of implementing the “Lonely Delay” program.

Production of a 14-part documentary-based story series began in 2016 and lasted until 1400.

The filming of this series has taken place in five provinces of Khuzestan, Golestan, Mazandaran, Gilan and Tehran in four seasons.

Dust, water and drought, Shadegan and Horalazim wetlands, hunter, environmentalists, foresters, forest dwellers, air pollution and 2 other topics of this series are documented and the script of each part of this series has been prepared independently.

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