“Nofan” a plan to use technological products in Hormozgan

Hormozgan, as the sixth province of the country, implements the “Nofan Village” project to increase their efficiency and production by using the technological products of knowledge-based companies and transferring technology to the villages and boosting employment. The joint-thinking event of transferring technology to villages (Nofan village) was held on Thursday with the presence of the officials of the Omid Kishore Entrepreneurship Fund, provincial officials and knowledge-based companies of Hormozgan province.
In this ceremony, the political, security and social deputy of the Hormozgan Governorate also stated that the Supreme Leader of the Revolution has placed a lot of emphasis on creating hope and jihadi activities in this sector and that creating hope must be real, and said: “Hope Entrepreneurship Fund has been promising activities in this field so far.” has done in the country.
Ehsan Kamrani added: Hormozgan province has diverse and unique capacities, the most important capacity of which is the sea and sea-oriented economy.
He said: There are various topics in the villages of Hormozgan province that can be used for employment, the most important of which are agriculture, marine tourism, transportation and energy.
The political deputy of Hormozgan governor, pointing out that; Hormozgan is a province with a rural structure and more than 40% of the province is located in the villages, he said: efforts should be made to reverse migration to the villages, for this reason the transfer of capital to the villages should be realized.
Kamrani also pointed to the issue of sea economy and tourism and expressed: In the matter of the sea, many things can be done, one of the most important of which is sea tourism, which can create a lot of employment with the lowest cost.
Stating that most of the Persian Gulf islands are in Hormozgan province, he said: Paying attention to the islands and creating employment in them can create hope in these islands.
Political, Security and Social Deputy of Hormozgan Governorate pointed out: Some businesses need to transfer technology to them, and the necessary support should be provided and employment and hope should be created in the villages.
Seven percent of Hormozgan payment facilities are dedicated to maritime issues
The Business Ecosystem Development Manager of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund said in this ceremony: It has been more than 30 years since Omid Entrepreneurship Fund was established and its main focus has been on businesses and micro-employment in the country.
Mohammad Sadegh Hosni added: At one point in time when home businesses were created, the payment of marriage benefits was considered by the Omid Entrepreneurship Fund, and since 2016, the development of villages has been considered.
He stated: For the first time since 2016, in the Omid Entrepreneurship Fund, 18 thousand billion Tomans were allocated for rural and nomadic development in the country, and in the past 2 years, the focus has been on agriculture.
The Director of Business Ecosystem Development of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund stated: In the Omid Entrepreneurship Fund of Hormozgan province, from 2016 to 1400, more than 45% of credits were allocated to agricultural industries.
Hosni noted: From 2016 to September this year, agricultural industries, production of light and heavy livestock, clothing, fisheries and aquatics, handicrafts, cultivation of seedlings and seeds, agricultural equipment, ecotourism and tourism have the most paid facilities in Hormozgan province. have given.
He said: Considering that Hormozgan is a coastal province, not much attention has been paid to this sector, and only seven percent of the facilities paid by the province are dedicated to sea-oriented issues, which is small and should be increased. He said: Considering that Hormozgan is a coastal province It is a coastal province, not much attention has been paid to this sector, and only seven percent of the province’s payment facilities are dedicated to sea-oriented issues, which is a small number and should be increased.
Hosni stated: In the matter of fisheries, there are nano technologies that can increase production per hectare from four tons to 12 tons; For this reason, the experience of knowledge-based companies should be used in this field so that we can promote these products and businesses.
He said: Technological products of knowledge-based companies should be used in villages, and their efficiency should increase and production should increase. Hormozgan has diverse and unique capacities.
Payment of 123 billion Tomans for the facilities of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund in Hormozgan
Omid Hormozgan, the head of the Entrepreneurship Fund, also gave a report on the performance of the provincial fund in the implementation of the project “Villages without unemployed”, “local micro-funds” and “each village has a product” and introduced three villages without unemployed in the province as well as the measures taken in He presented about the fund’s cooperation with knowledge-based companies.
Mehdi Khorgoui continued: Regarding the payment of rural facilities from the National Development Fund, since 2017, about 160 billion Tomans of facilities have been paid in rural areas from the consolidated resources of the National Development Fund, and these areas have mostly been production and agricultural. The National Development Fund has paid about 160 billion tomans of facilities in the rural area from the consolidated resources of the National Development Fund.
He pointed out that more than 123 billion Tomans of facilities were paid from the credits of Note 18 in the last months of 1400 and the beginning of 1401, he added: According to the order of the CEO of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund, all knowledge-based companies from growth centers of universities and Science Park and technology, who have new ideas, were invited to this event to present ideas that we can move rural activities towards knowledge-based.
The Director General of Rural Affairs and Hormozgan Governorate Councils also said: A large part of the province’s districts are made up of villages, which have a potential capacity to create employment.
Narges Gholampour listed fisheries, agriculture and eco-tourism as the most important capacities in the village of Hormozgan province and added: creating employment in villages should be done based on the capacity of each village in order to get a better result.
According to him; There has been good indigenous knowledge in the past, especially in the field of fisheries, which is being forgotten that these things should be counted and revived.
Director General of Rural Affairs and Hormozgan Governorate Councils stated that many of the jobs that are created are not beneficial for the people living in the village and emphasized: One of the other challenges and issues that should be taken into account is that the local and native community in jobs which is created, be involved and benefit from it.
He pointed out: If local people are involved in the created jobs, it will have better effects in the region and also the facilities that are paid will increase the migration to the villages and create more jobs in the villages.
Hormozgan is a rural province
The head of Hormozgan Science and Technology Park also pointed out that; Hormozgan is a rural province, he said: Hormozgan is one of the provinces that has a very good capacity in various areas, but it has not been used.
Alireza Nasiri considered the average rural population of Hormozgan to be higher than the national average and said: The village is one of the important and necessary issues and approaches for Hormozgan.
He said: Shrimp and greenhouse farming is one of the most important industries in the villages of Hormozgan province, and it has caused a large number of people to live in the villages, and in some villages of the province, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry and fisheries are flourishing.
The head of Hormozgan Science and Technology Park said: In the past, the shrimp farming industry was not so popular in the province, but a current emerged that today shrimp farming has an impact on the province’s economy, and while the country is facing problems and water shortages, Hormozgan has The existence of the sea and the production of algae can create good employment, so streamlining should be done in this field.
According to Nasiri, companies are currently operating in this field, and there is this capacity in Hormozgan province to make this industry more prosperous.
The head of Hormozgan Science and Technology Park added: One of the things that can be done in this field is that trainers and professors are trained and they teach this knowledge to the villagers through technical and professional methods and the people who receive these trainings. Enter the work cycle.
Transferring technology to villages and boosting employment
The head of Hormozgan Islamic Azad University’s Growth and Innovation Center also said in this ceremony: Knowledge-based companies in the country have financial concerns and obtaining licenses, and these concerns must be resolved.
Esadi, in expressing the solutions for creating new technologies in the village, said: transferring technology to the villages is one of the most important issues that can create employment in the villages, therefore, algae production is one of the new technologies that can be done more on.
He stated that the transfer of technology to the villages can provide food security in the country and that important work should be done in this field, he said: In the issue of medicinal plants in Hormozgan province, raw materials are currently being sold that if extraction and new technologies are used in If their production is used, it can be more profitable for the villagers.
According to Esadi, if the knowledge of technology companies and units is used, it can definitely cause reverse migration to the village.
The head of Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman Ecology Research Institute also stated that 12,000 fishermen are operating without a license in Hormozgan province, and the livelihood of many of them is in danger.
Mohammad Sadiq Mortazavi stated: One of the important issues that are discussed in the world is the issue of fishing and fishing for wisdom. Because when a large unit is established in a locality, the people living in the area do not benefit much from it, that’s why the presence of small businesses is more effective for local communities.
He added: One of the topics that has been of interest is the production of pearl oysters, and now we are looking to increase the production of edible oysters.
The head of the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman Ecology Research Institute reminded: if micro-employment is considered in the creation of employment in the villages, better work can be done and more employment can be created, for example, in the breeding of aquatic animals in small ponds, efficiency can be increased by using modern technologies. And production helped a lot.