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Non-government school tuition fees from 4 to 35 million tomans – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr reporter, Ahmad Mahmoudzadeh, in Tehran 20 program on the subject of non-government school tuition fees, said: In the current government, we have measures to set up schools that only charge tuition fees from families.

He added: “Recently, many cultural institutions and institutions started to set up non-profit schools, which are concerned with the education of students.” With the memorandums we signed with these institutions, we transfer a population of school students to these institutions across the country.

The head of the Organization of Non-Governmental Schools and Education Centers stated: Students were registered in 5 provinces of the University of Quranic Sciences. The university has created a capacity that was not used much for training students in the previous years, so this capacity is used for teaching Quranic students. Next year, the number of provinces active in this field will increase.

Regarding the necessity of non-profit schools in the country, he said: According to the law, 16% of schools should have been run as non-profit by the end of the sixth plan, but this was not achieved. We are trying to achieve this in the next 4 years. Of course, if real people do not have the qualification of running a school, this privilege will be taken from them; From now on, school management will be given to those real people who have the professional qualification of school management.

Mahmoudzadeh stated that in the transformation document of the government, non-governmental schools are considered without personal profit and said: There was such a plan in the past, but in this government, we are trying to multiply these schools. In the next week, a school of this model will be opened in Khoi and in the near future in Mashhad. Khairi, who has opened 60 schools in Mashhad, for the first time, we asked him to run a school.

He stated that these schools have no personal interest; He said: These schools only receive tuition from parents and families to the extent of their expenses. In the next two years, we are trying to manage 2,000 schools in this way, and most of our focus is on the first and second secondary schools and technical and professional conservatories.

Referring to the existence of conflict of interest in education, he said: none of the regional managers of the provinces and general managers in education should own a school in order to prevent this conflict of interest. The statistical moment we have is that we tried to make this happen 100% and the administrators who had a non-profit school gave up their school.

In response to the question of what percentage of education managers enroll their children in non-government schools, he said: We do not have exact numbers and statistics, but we think that there are not many managers who have enrolled their children in non-government schools. ; Private schools are not only of higher quality; Sometimes an institution conducts all training and services in a centralized manner, and for this reason, some managers enroll their children in these schools. These schools make up only 3% of the country’s schools and are mainly located in Tehran.

The head of the organization of non-governmental schools of education added: In fact, we should not generalize this issue to all managers across the country; Many managers send their children to normal schools. We should focus more on increasing the quality of public schools; It is not very appropriate for us to tell non-profit schools to lower their quality so that you don’t have a big difference in quality with public schools; If we don’t look for quality non-profit schools, people outside the borders will run schools for us.

Mahmoodzadeh stated that education managers should be among the people and be aware of its problems and said: Last Wednesday, during a trip to Fars province, I visited two schools on the outskirts of Shiraz city and became aware of the problems of those two non-profit schools.

Do non-government school teachers become official?

In response to the question of whether the teachers of non-government schools will be official, he said: We have forces outside the government in non-government schools, and it is natural that we do not want to lose these forces, but we will look for measures to improve their livelihood. In the first step, we have decided to make teachers 24 hours a day, that is, they are required to work 24 hours a month, and overtime will be calculated for them; Fortunately, this proposal was approved by the education committee of the parliament and we are currently waiting for the approval in the public forum of the parliament.

The head of Non-Governmental Schools and People’s Partnership Organization added: With the approval of this issue, teachers of non-governmental schools will receive salaries from education in addition to insurance, according to their years. In addition to these measures, we decided that teachers of non-profit schools should also use the welfare facilities of official teachers.

Referring to the glass schools, he said: We have a contract with the director and founder of the schools, which we are looking for. The education contract with the non-profit schools should be sent to the social security organization in a transparent manner so that it is clear to the insurer that the teachers of the schools How many hours and to what extent have each of the non-governmental organizations attended the school?

The definitive price of school tuition is announced on the participation website

Mahmoudzadeh said regarding the dissatisfaction of some parents with the tuition fees of non-profit schools: In the new year and with the efforts of the government, we created transparency; Our agreement with the founders of non-government schools is that the number we announce as tuition fees will be announced by school officials and families; Tuition fees are supposed to be fixed. In this regard, several meetings were held, for example, we had 8 meetings with school principals in Tehran. One is the fixed tuition amount and the other is the extracurricular fees. The third number is the cost of commuting, food and clothing for students, which is received at the discretion of school administrators and families. In the organization of non-governmental schools, we announced fixed tuition and extra-curricular tuition definitively.

School fees from 4 to 35 million tomans

Stating that on the website, the tuition fee of each school is announced separately, he said: The fixed tuition fee of schools in the whole country starts from 4 million tomans and it is specified up to 35 million and 600 thousand tomans. Some schools that receive up to 38% of the fixed tuition in accordance with the declared extra-curricular programs as extra-curricular tuition from the families.

Emphasizing the fact that the fixed tuition fee of each school is announced separately in the participation system, he said: Every school is obliged to get a board from the General Department of Education of its region to install in the school, which shows the amount of the fixed tuition fee and the affairs Extra program is registered.

Mahmoudzadeh pointed out: In the participation system, we have provided the possibility of protest for both the families and the managers of the founders of non-governmental schools. In person, both the provincial participation offices and the performance evaluation and response to complaints department of the general administration of the provinces are ready to receive protests and complaints.

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