cultural and artisticMusic and Art

Note | In the service and betrayal of the commercialization of art

Fars News Agency – Art Group: “Cultural alienation” is one of the most important challenges of Islamic society. People who are unaware of their beliefs and values, the exploiters seek to change their thoughts, motives and patterns of behavior and gradually separate themselves from their own identity and culture. The importance and necessity of researching and entering into this issue becomes apparent from the behaviors of the enemies in the present age, because they enter through the gates of hearts and change the wills and beliefs before entering the geographical gates with costly military forces. Accordingly, in order to make the enemies ineffective in the cultural battle, it is necessary to know the causes of this crisis.

Home theater networks, like other art media, can be one of these gateways. Today, these serialization factories have turned “art” into a mere commodity. A commodity that reaches mass production and its exchange value is merely the value of consumption. In this structure, the consumer of the commodity is a passive, neutral, indifferent, and objectified person.

In the following, we will follow the topic of “cultural alienation” with a special look at one of the loudest programs of the home theater network these days.

Why resist the commercialization of art?

Unfortunately, in recent years, the most taboo films have been record-sellers. Each time, a critic has criticized the situation. , Is temporary and does not cure anyone’s pain. Incidentally, it is at this time that people are more than ever thirsty for quality programs to bring about their lifestyle or to raise their awareness. In the words of the philosopher, “The owl of Minerva (the goddess of wisdom) spreads its wings at night and takes off; “Just when the day is over and the height is over.”

In the final analysis, these works create false pleasure and only serve purposes such as making more profit. Art, on the other hand, can evoke genuine joy instead of fleeting and false pleasure.

Joker, Golan Celebrities

Among the programs produced in 1400, “Joker” had the most noise and audience. The “Joker” program is broadcast exclusively on one of the Internet platforms, produced by Ehsan Alikhani and hosted by Siamak Ansari. In this program, eight famous artists (usually seven well-known actors in cinema and television and a theatrical or well-known figure in cyberspace) are placed in an environment for 6 hours and must make the other participants laugh without laughing. Anyone who laughs gets a yellow card the first time and leaves the match a second time. In the end, the last person who did not laugh will win the cash prize of this program.

Each episode of the Joker is a screenplay based on the improvisations of several comedians, has a relatively expensive and lavish format, and this approach seems to be an attempt to hide the weakness of its creators. In general, these are programs that revolve around celebrities and watch their conversations, and have no content other than the clichéd jokes of the guests.

Copy in ideas and lack of creativity

Lack of creativity and lack of ideas in television programming has become a big problem. The Joker writes very frankly at the beginning of his show that it is a copy of a Japanese show called “Dakio Mental” and is based on the same idea and pattern. It does not take much art for programmers to wait for a program to flourish in a country and then make a copy. All the art and charm of TV shows goes back to having creativity and appealing ideas. Assuming that some programs can be localized, it can be accepted that such programs can be made within the framework of Iranian society, but some of these programs have an anti-cultural structure in nature, and no matter how much they try to find a local status, they are still based on media. Who are not accepting this situation and are presenting a clear contradiction with the society.

The Joker is one of those programs that has a general audience, but despite all this, the level of many jokes is low and in some cases it even becomes a joke and far from the Iranian-Islamic culture. The program uses celebrities who are everywhere (one of the guest’s dialogues points out that someone is not just on the TV show), that is, consider twenty, thirty people who have appeared in almost all the programs and series of these years, and This unfinished program will appear in another program, so there is no time for new faces to appear. The idea of ​​copying and repetitive faces makes their hands open to the audience and creativity is minimized.

Audience deception

According to critics, like many reality shows, the Joker deceives the audience into presenting a distorted reality. Everything is staged in this program in order to increase the excitement of the competition, and this clumsy staging damages the audience’s experience and their trust in the program. You will never see a timer remaining during the race, and there will obviously be tolerance and strictness in eliminating participants in order to maintain the excitement of the race.

Signs of an alien culture

The name of the program and the terms used in it, such as Joker Time, Zombies, etc., can be easily localized, and the insistence on using such words is questionable. The decor and objects used in this program are not in line with Iranian Islamic culture and the smell of promoting consumerism can be smelled from it.

In the meantime, the most important point is the jokes made in this program, which are sometimes obscene and immoral. Especially in the third chapter of this program, the participants’ jokes with each other, despite the items removed by the audit, were sexual and ambiguous jokes, so much so that the voice of the host of this program was heard and reminded the participants that children also see this program and jokes can be Play. In each chapter, one of the participants dances under the pretext of repeating the “exercise prescribed by the doctor,” and the others accompany him by playing various instruments or playing Anwar Abi’s songs, which are undoubtedly difficult to do without any doubt.

Breaking the seeds of actors and a full table for guests and … the society narrated by the Joker is not similar to today’s Iranian society, or at least in the medium in which it is placed, it does not look Iranian at all. This program is a step in the direction of serialization factories these days and has nothing to do with creating culture. Consumerism, superficiality, vulgarity, individualism, etc. are all signs of the hegemonic culture of neoliberalism that the Joker represents.

More disgusting than any disgusting thing

This approach to neoliberalism manifests itself in various dimensions, so that in the latest margin of the program, one of the participants, who is an actor, producer of cinema, music, etc., appeared in a dress and hat, both of which have Ataturk’s signature on them. The former Turkish leader was involved. His use of Ataturk’s signature on his hat and hoodie in The Joker has provoked widespread reactions and criticism.

Hence, it can be concluded with a little care that behind the behavior and productions of such celebrities, economic motives always prevail and they consciously appear in certain programs with popular brands and signs. Such behaviors are a natural product of capitalist progress, which has increasingly made people and objects equal. Such actions show that celebrities are marketers in the field of culture and art of the country, rather than concerned with culture and cultural activities.

The behavior of programs such as the Joker and some of his celebrities seems to serve the ideology of consumerism and create false needs. By accepting the ideology of consumerism, they are in fact complicit in the crime of the same capitalist system that promotes and reinforces false needs through industry-culture and is the cause of cultural alienation.

Cultural alienation

The success of commercial advertisements in accepting goods to consumers is not possible at all without the complicity of the mass media. In other words, commercials, in order to penetrate people’s minds, actually appear in the clothes of consumers’ choices in everyday life.

The question is, at a time when even inexperienced programmers are careful not to enter the commercial-advertising space, how come the Joker, who has an experienced and hard-working producer who is well acquainted with the standard of programming on television, did not realize this?

At a time when Iranians are recording immigration and buying a home in Turkey, such behavior can not be unintentional and accidental. However, with a psychoanalytic approach, nothing can be written.

Unfortunately, today, a significant part of the country’s cultural and artistic activists, who earn huge incomes in their field of work in their homeland and their real and legal personality depends on this country, always associate themselves with non-Iranian personalities and currents. Attribute.

One of the most important ways to secure the interests of arrogant powers is to de-identify and create alienation among other nations. They have rightly realized that they can only hope to secure their illegitimate interests in the world by obliterating the true identities of nations and trapping them in a kind of “alienation and self-destruction” in the face of foreign culture. These powers try to alienate those nations from their national and indigenous culture in various ways, including imposing and promoting their imported culture in those societies, and by creating alienation and de-identification from them, to secure their own interests. Provide. It is obvious that the negligence and inaction of the mentioned nations against this foreign conspiracy will help the foreigners to achieve their evil goals more than ever.

Imam Khomeini’s repeated reminders that the Eastern nations had lost their school, mistakenly made the West their qibla, and had become alienated from the West, was a compassionate attempt to Their liberation from this socio-cultural and political dilemma was emphasized. He considered intellectual and cultural dependence as obstacles to independence and considered the elimination of Western cultural manifestations as the most important step in creating a spirit of self-confidence and independence.

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