Marriage and familysocial

Only boys should read / Never use these sentences!

Family group: Raising a child has long been one of the fundamental issues in society, especially the religion of Islam, especially in today’s world where we are witnessing the widespread growth of Internet technology and cyberspace, from one place to another the issue of education is much more difficult. Be. Even the West itself has realized these days that computers, television, movies, and the Internet do not nurture the foundation of the family, so education must be done within the family and by parents.

In the field of educational topics, it sometimes happens that parents have to make differences in raising a girl and a boy, such as saying some sentences or doing certain things with or with the girls and boys. The physical, psychological and cognitive differences between girls and boys make parents need to use subtleties in their upbringing, which in this report we will address some of these issues related to the upbringing of boys.

*Boys do not Cry!

One of the prohibitions in raising a boy is to teach him not to cry with the following sentences:

“Are you a crying girl?” Boys do not Cry!”

Crying relieves the feeling of sadness and grief and lightens a healthy person (regardless of gender). Otherwise, you have practically taught your son to destroy his feelings and not express them!

* Boy does not wear brightly colored clothes!

Another educational mistake is to classify colors. For example, do not tell your son:

You want a pink girl! Boys who do not wear pink!

The fact that your son is interested in pink or magenta shows his delicate and artistic spirit. Do not gender colors and let your child choose the color of his clothes and toys without labeling without being judged. He chooses himself and what do you know, maybe if you do not stop him, he will become a second Picasso later!

* Boy who does not do housework!

Giving responsibility to the child and helping the mother is the duty of all the members of the family. Or you say to your son as a mother: Boys who only do men’s work! Go help your father!

Certainly, you created a mentality in your son to deliver an irresponsible and incompetent man and wife in the mirror of society, who does not touch black and white and has only six meters of language and claims!

Getting help from children (both boys and girls) makes the child feel useful and valuable.

* Boys only play with cars and swords!

This is one of the things that limits boys in role-playing that we expect aunts not to play only with balls and clubs and swords. Do you just want to train a man of war? So do not tell your son:

Boys who do not play with dolls and aunts do this for girls! Or boys only play with balls, swords and cars!

Boys practice their role as a mother while playing the role of father, wife, and even the female identity. They practice how to support and care for a doll (just like a parent). So do not hinder your children from playing. Let them play as they like.

* Do not stop his boyish mischief

It is sometimes seen that parents prevent children from playing, especially boyish mischief, which is labeled as inactivity. Boys need to drain their energy.

, So do not attribute their playfulness and mischief to crowding and do not hinder them. As an informed parent, you need to make room for your children to play.

But a few important points about raising a son:

Assign responsibilities to your son

For example, let her help you with household chores and do not say that this is a girl’s job. For example, my son, can you spread the tablecloth? My son, can you put your hands in front of the guests?

Let her express her feelings:

Expressing emotions does not mean being a girl. Every human being must empty his mental energy when he is upset or angry. Avoid misconceptions like a man who does not cry.

Show your love to your son physically:

Some families think that because they have a son, they should not kiss him until he becomes a man, while this is a wrong idea. A boy like a girl needs love, hugs and caresses. Hug and kiss her tightly and consider her a gift from God.

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