
Ping Pong Car Transportation Plan / Representatives Delegation Role?

Online Economy- جواد هاشمی، Although, according to the decree of the Resistance Economy Headquarters, the import of cars to Iran has been stopped since June 1397 and the conditions for changing this policy have not been provided yet, but the MPs have started pursuing a plan since 1998 that if approved The final can issue a license to resume car imports to Iran, even in a limited way.

It was the first time in the 10th parliament that the deputies pursued a plan to organize the car market, part of which was dedicated to imports. With the end of the life of the previous parliament, the new MPs put some changes in the agenda to follow this program so that by becoming a law, it will be possible to import cars into the country.

In this context, import is not possible in the form of registration of the previous order, but persons who export cars or related parts will be able to import. In addition, it was announced in the initial plan that people who can import without transferring currency can also bring cars to Iran.

Despite several months of hammering the car import plan in parliament, the Guardian Council finally announced its opposition to the plan. After the deputies amended the plan once, the Guardian Council objected to the import without currency transfer, and the deputies removed the section completely from the plan.

In a situation where it seemed that after the final amendments, the Guardian Council would finally authorize the legalization of the delegates’ program, this time a new authority entered the issue and the High Supervisory Board of the Expediency Council considered the implementation of this program contrary to the country’s goals.

Following this decision, a number of MPs stated that due to the plan remaining in the Guardian Council and not referring it to the Assembly, the opinion of the members of the Supervisory Board is not legal, but in the end the Guardian Council relied on the opinion of the Assembly and returned the Baharestan program. Fell.

In a letter to the Guardian Council, the House of Representatives identified the plan as “contradictory” to the general policies of national production, protection of Iranian labor and capital, and the general policies of the resistance economy, and stated that It will not be possible to implement the parliamentary program.

In recent days, however, lawmakers have expressed hope that the Guardian Council will finalize its agreement to legalize car imports. Ezatullah Akbari Talarpashti – Chairman of the Parliamentary Industries Commission – had said: After several round trips to the commission and the parliament, the plan finally came to the conclusion that the import of cars in exchange for the export of cars, car parts and currency that originates Foreign that is approved by the Central Bank; However, the head of the central bank stated in a letter to the speaker that the central bank could not confirm the source of the currency; This issue was also strange for us, but at the request of the Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, this clause was omitted and removed. Finally, according to the statements of the representative of the Guardian Council that the plan was approved by the Guardian Council, the plan to import cars will be returned to the parliament for notification and will be approved by law.

He reminded that the entry of the Expediency Council into this plan is new in our opinion: in the previous stage, even the Expediency Council had announced to the Guardian Council that some clauses of the car import plan are unconstitutional. The legislative procedure is such that what is approved in the parliament goes to the Guardian Council, in which it is commented that it is not contrary to Sharia and the constitution, and we do not accept a third authority in the legislation.

MPs, meanwhile, have spoken out against the expediency council’s interpretation, saying that before their comments, the Guardian Council had invoked the council’s interpretation in its statement, and therefore rejected the parliament’s proposal once again. In this regard, the spokesman of the Guardian Council said: Supervision of the proper implementation of the general policies of the system has been delegated to the High Supervisory Board in the Expediency Council several years ago and the Guardian Council, in accordance with the regulations, contradicts paragraph 2 of this resolution. Article 110 of the Constitution recognizes it and sends it to the parliament for amendment.

What is important here is that car imports are considered contrary to the macro-policies of the system. If the objection of the Guardian Council to the text of the resolution remains, it would be possible to amend the various sections and final approval, but given the citation of macro policies, MPs now have a difficult way to legalize their resolution and may not be finalized at all. And after a few rounds of ping-pong, the plan between Baharestan and the Guardian Council may upset the Interpretation Assembly’s interpretation of all parts of the plan. Hosseini Kia – Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Industries – told the online economy in this regard: The most important element of the idea of ​​the plan was to import cars with foreign currency of foreign origin, which was excluded from the plan. In other words, in the final stage, the deputies removed this statement from the heart of the plan in order to increase the possibility of the issue becoming operational. However, despite the fact that the plan went out of its nature and was allowed to be imported only in exchange for the export of vehicles, parts and equipment related to propulsion, the regulatory authorities did not allow it to be implemented.

The parliamentary plan faced major problems before it was legalized, with many experts believing that even if implemented, it would not untie the knot of the automotive industry. Although the deputies believe that with the resumption of imports in the way they want, monopoly in the car market will be replaced by competition and people’s options for using the cars in the market will be diversified, but the emphasis on imports only for exports will extend the scope of parliament. It is very limited.

Statistics on the performance of Iran’s automotive industry published in recent months show that in the field of complete car exports, the statistics are practically close to zero and in the parts sector, there is no exact number of available executive capacity. The risk of monopolization of imports by large automakers and falsification of export statistics to obtain import licenses is another part of the ambiguities in this sector. The high price of imported cars due to the increase in foreign exchange prices in recent years and their heavy import tariffs is another factor that eliminates the possibility of low-income groups access to imported cars and this issue increases the risk of increasing economic injustice in this sector. . Despite all these ambiguities, lawmakers must find a way to legitimize their resolution before worrying about how it will be implemented, a plan that this time sees a strong opponent such as the Expediency Council.


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