Europe and AmericaInternational

Rat plague a new threat to New York

According to IRNA on Saturday, the New York Times wrote in this article: “Reports of sightings of mice in all parts of New York City are increasing and health officials warn of the spread of the disease through the urine of mice.”

As of last Wednesday alone, 21,000 rats had been reported in New York City, up from 15,000 in 2019 and 12,000 in 2014, the paper said.


The New York Times added that the number of “active rats” detected in New York City has doubled since last year, and that there have been as many as 15 cases of “paddy fever,” which has been reported rarely since 2006.

The New York Times wrote: “Rice fever is an infectious disease that can paralyze the human kidneys and liver.” The source of this disease is rat urine.

Plague of mice

“Now, in addition to the efforts of the city authorities to get rid of the Covid-19 epidemic, the plague of mice must be added to it,” the American publication continued.

Garbage accumulation

New York City Health Commissioner Edward Grayson told the American publication: “The accumulation of residential waste due to the Corona virus epidemic and people staying at home, and on the other hand, the reduction of the Ministry of Health budget in this field caused the accumulation of waste on the streets.” And made it an important food source for mice.

Global warming increases rat population

New York Times reports that health officials say this summer has been wetter than usual, and that the effects of global warming have helped mice grow, exacerbating the problem in New York City.

“By October, animals with high reproductive rats reached their peak annual population in New York City,” Jason Manshi South, an associate professor of life sciences at Fordham University, told the New York Times.

More aggressive behavior of mice

“Mice have undoubtedly become more aggressive and aggressive in finding food and shelter,” Andy Linares, director of the Pest Control Center in upstate Manhattan, New York, told the New York Times.

The New York Times added that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned last year that mice might behave “unusually or aggressively” during the Covid-19 epidemic; however, a US Department of Health spokesman denied this. The warning said there was “no evidence” that the mice behaved differently than usual.2 **


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