Robbery in police uniform; From coercion with the rank of colonel to harassment with the title of sergeant!

group law enforcement news agency Fars_ Maryam Arab Ansari: they enter in awe of a military or law enforcement person; Either they wear military uniforms and show weapons and have batons and spears, or they go to people in private clothes and claiming to be policemen, with wireless and military equipment; That too with social engineering!
Their target community is foreigners, criminal guilds, and people who guess or see that they have made a mistake, or are afraid of the police and inspection, or are just walking on the road, street, or park.
They behave in such a way that no one believes that they are not policemen at all; Even the victim doesn’t dare to ask what you are doing and where is your evidence and verdict; By the time they come to their senses, they realize that they have become victims; From fraud and extortion to theft and harassment.
The first case: serial robbery of alcoholic beverages by a fake officer
In May of this year, serial robberies took place under the cover of the police in the mountainous areas west of Tehran, and based on this, an elite team of police intelligence workshops took responsibility for the case.
The police investigation showed that two professional thieves watched their victims in the mountainous areas of Cannes and robbed them under the pretext that they had consumed alcohol; That too by forging a police title and armed with a waistcoat.
In the first step, the intelligence police detectives, using modern crime detection methods and scientific methods, realized that the accused were people with a history who had recently been released from prison. In coordination with the judicial authority, the accused were arrested in their hideout and a Colt belt and 2 wireless ones were discovered from them.
It should be mentioned that after being transferred to the 1st Police Department of the capital, the accused confessed to their crime of robbing citizens with a handgun in the guise of a police officer.
The second case: the arrest of a fake lieutenant colonel during robbery and extortion!
Following the increase in robbery and extortion from citizens in the area of Darband and north of Tehran by a person in military uniform and the rank of second colonel, investigating the issue and arresting the thief was put on the agenda of the 122 police station.
In the police investigation and search, the officers identified the identity and hiding place of the accused and after obtaining judicial permission, they arrested the accused when he was trying to rob one of the citizens. Later, the accused confessed to his crime and extorting citizens in military uniform.
It should be mentioned that after obtaining permission from the judicial authority, the officers went to the accused’s hideout and discovered a weapon.
The third case: tying hands with handcuffs and throwing tear gas in the face; manner Theft of a fake agent
At the beginning of May this year, with the occurrence of serial robberies in different parts of southern Tehran, the detectives of the 5th Intelligence Police Department took action to arrest the accused by impersonating the title of a police officer.
The field investigation of the detectives showed that 2 middle-aged men in different parts of Tehran stopped men and women, who were mostly foreign nationals, and then by introducing themselves as police officers, they stole mobile phones, jewelry and cash.
One of the complainants went to the Fifth Police Department and reported that one of the robbers first blocked the road, said that he was a police officer, and by tying his hands with handcuffs, stole his phone and valuables, and then proceeded to He threw tear gas on his face; Later, his accomplice came to the scene with another motorcycle and took the property from the thief and ran away together.
Due to the sensitivity of the issue, detectives using scientific methods and extensive intelligence measures identified the hideout of these 2 men in the south of Tehran and in coordination with the judicial authorities went to the hideout of the accused and arrested them in a coordinated operation along with the tools of crime and stolen property. They informed the fifth police department.
After reporting to the police, the accused confessed to their crime of stealing citizens’ property, including mobile phones, jewelry, and cash, by forging the title of a police officer in different parts of southern Tehran.
The fourth case of harassment of women by a fake general
At the beginning of September 2019, a case was referred to the Tehran Intelligence Police, in which a man had molested a young woman by pretending to be an officer.
In the first step, the detectives targeted the young woman, and it was found that a 50-year-old man with a white beard and a large body went to the young woman in the role of an officer and threatened the woman with false pretenses that she should be detained by the police for 3 days. He dragged the young man to a building that he claimed was the police headquarters and then executed his sinister plan by threatening him on the stairs of the uninhabited building.
The investigation was started to arrest the accused and the CCTV cameras near the crime scene were reviewed and the image of the evil man was found in the CCTV cameras of one of the hospitals in the capital, but the detectives did not find any clues about the accused and the attempt to arrest the accused was unsuccessful. The work was done.
After 3 years of this case, at the beginning of May this year, a woman hawker called the police 110 and stated that a man in the role of a commander of a military organization approached her and claimed that he could get a low interest loan.
When this woman called the police on 110 and reported the incident to the police detectives, and according to the appearance characteristics that the young woman had reported to the police, the detectives assumed that this man is the wanted devil, who was subsequently captured by the woman hawker after viewing the video. The former identified and introduced the evil man who was obtained from the hospital’s cameras as the fake Sardar.
Further, by identifying the accused and carrying out intelligence measures, the accused’s hideout near an inn in Ferdowsi square was discovered and the detectives arrested the evil man in a police operation.
At first, the detectives invited the young woman, who was the target of this man’s evil action, to the police, who identified the accused and introduced him as the evil man.
In the further investigations of the detectives, the subjects of this evil man were identified and it was found that this man went to women in the role of a suitor and a commander of a military organization, and by pretending to have an evil relationship and stole their money and valuable property and The cities of Gilan, Mashhad and Shiraz have made women the target of their sinister intentions; Also, the accused has taken money from several men under the pretext of taking low interest loans.
Case 5: A fake agent forcing lonely girls on the street and in parks
In April of this year, with the occurrence of a case of theft from a young man in the center of Tehran and the receipt of the mentioned complaint to the Intelligence Department of Greater Tehran, the issue of dealing with this case was put on the agenda of the elite team of detectives of the Fifth Intelligence Police Department.
The plaintiff, who was a citizen of Iran’s suburbs, said: I was filming nature in one of the parks in the north of Tehran, when a person with the identity of an officer armed with a stun gun, tear gas and handcuffs on the pretext that photography and traffic are prohibited in this place. He showed himself to me and scared me, searched my bag and took about 5 million tomans of foreign currency along with personal belongings from me and ran away.
Due to the sensitivity of the issue, the detectives, in the first step, by using information and field methods, found out that the fugitive thief has a history of being accused and has 15 years of imprisonment and 16 arrests by the police since 1983.
Further, on June 22, the accused, who was passing through one of the streets of the center of Tehran, was suspected by a police officer, and after the accused clashed with the officer, he was arrested and transferred to the police.
The defendant, who was summoned to the court in November of last year, but did not identify himself, confessed to all his criminal acts and said: he mostly stopped the girls who were in the car or who were walking alone and took money from them. and then he would run away.
It should be mentioned that one tear gas, one wireless, one shocker and one bracelet were seized from the accused.
* Introduce the fake agent to the 110 police
Fake police, fake officer, agent and all kinds of these terms are used for criminals who go to people in the guise of military and law enforcement personnel and with fake police clothes or equipment or identity documents and extort, steal, defraud and They extort
Although the police have repeatedly asked the citizens to ask for identification cards, warrants and documents before taking any action when faced with people who identify themselves as agents and not to be simply fooled, but due to the methods and tricks of the fake agents, even some of them They also carry fake identity documents. Perhaps one of the ways to ensure the validity of such people’s claims is to immediately call the police on 110 and report the matter.
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