Skeletal Injuries to Students in the Corona Era / Consequences of Virtual Education – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, Alireza Rajaei, noting that virtual education is a new experience for students created in the shadow of the corona, said: Prolonged use of virtual education tools and not paying attention to the correct sitting position can cause skeletal problems in Students create.
Emphasizing that parents should provide appropriate educational tools for their students in order to provide quality education, he added: “Each device, including mobile phones, laptops or computers, has its own way of using it and how to sit.” And the placement of students when using these tools is very important.
Rajai pointed out that bending the head forward to use a mobile phone or any other teaching aid puts a lot of pressure on the neck: “Parents should teach their children to use their head when using distance learning tools.” Do not bend and completely neck the knowledge Learn It should be flat, without angles, so that no pressure is applied to the spine.
He advised: When working with computers and mobile phones, avoid bending and bending the neck to reduce damage to the spine.
According to Rajaei, skeletal structural problems and curvature of the spine develop over time and with age, so parents and adults need to carefully and obsessively teach their children how to sit properly and use e-learning tools properly.
This rheumatologist warns that there is a possibility of pain and strain in various muscles of the body due to improper use of electronic devices: These pains are called point pains, which are specifically in prolonged and improper use of mobile phones, laptops and other devices. It is created electronically.
Noting that machine life and the use of electronic devices are not without challenges, he explained: “One of the most important issues that should be considered by education officials and families is scheduling, because virtual education is more than 35 to 40 minutes.” And a maximum of four part Practically once a day Performance And does not have the required efficiency.
Rajaei, stating that the term musculoskeletal disorders caused by virtual education in medical topics is well known, added: “Virtual and long-distance education causes many complications and musculoskeletal diseases in children and adults, which is obviously due to problems.” It occurs in sitting.
The faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences emphasized that skeletal disorders and subsequent problems in the spine are more common in children: The bone and spine form is formed in adults and it is unlikely to change its nature. But it is more common in children and adolescents and can lead to long-term consequences.
The rheumatologist said that not paying attention to the posture of the body while sitting and not observing the correct principles of sitting for a long time is dangerous and said: ignoring these cases can cause musculoskeletal diseases, deformity of the spine, back pain. And the disc of the vertebrae protrudes, so paying attention to the posture of the body and observing the correct principles of sitting is effective in preventing these problems.