Spouse Talking Techniques / Sentences You Should Eliminate From Your Life

Family group: How to speak correctly to your spouse is one of the skills that many may think because they are married, they know it but it is not, and it is a communication skill that not everyone has. Many differences and divorces of women And husbands are talking because of these tensions. The type of speech and the tone of expression are effective in strengthening and intimacy between couples.
Ali (AS) says do not upset or hurt each other by talking. The Messenger of God (PBUH) said that the more perfect a person’s faith is, the more he loves his wife.
Therefore, the type of speaking is effective in the comfort of married life, and spouses should learn this art of conversation.
There are several important sentences in life that cause discomfort and lack of self-confidence and increase tension and decrease intimacy. We review these sentences together and suggest alternatives.
1- Always the same, you have no supply!
Take the words “out of supply” or “clumsy” out of your life. Instead of saying, “You always are, you’re out of supply.”
Say: It does not matter, it happens, we will solve it …
2. What are you wearing?
As a spouse, your opinion about your spouse’s dress is respected, but if your spouse is not wearing the right clothes, it is better to say it in a good tone, instead of saying: “What are you wearing …” or “You do not know how to wear a dress »!
Say: It is good, but such and such a dress is more beautiful or it suits you more …
3. What to me
Also remove the phrase “what about me” from life because everything is related to you in a life together but it has a rating. So instead of “What about me, I can not!”
Say: I will do my best to solve it, do not worry … »Or if you can not say: I would love to help you in this field, but I can not do anything, if something comes to your mind, tell us to solve it» .
4. Anyway, I love you!
Some couples react quickly when their spouse becomes obese or thin or changes in him or her and speak differently about their interests. Instead of saying, “I love you whatever you are!”
Say: I love you as long as I understand you. This is how your spouse realizes that loving you has nothing to do with change.
5. You are always angry! Or you never have nerves!
These phrases cause tension in relationships because when the other party is angry, it is better not to say that you are always angry. Instead of saying: you who never have nerves …!
Say: When you are calmer, you become much more attractive …
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