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Techniques for dealing with “adolescent love” / Do not blame teenagers

Family group: Among the periods of development of every human being, adolescence is a sensitive period in which people have special tastes and different interests because they are confronted with a new and different world and find a new understanding of everything. One of the most important issues in this period is love and affection and the tendency to the opposite sex that most adolescents face the opposition and concern of parents.

During this period, the adolescent himself is very vulnerable due to the special conditions of puberty, but many parents who have forgotten their adolescence do not know how to communicate with the adolescent in this period and with wrong behaviors cause deviant tendencies and moral and behavioral problems of the child. Are. Parents need to know how to manage this period so that the teenager can pass this stage of life well and healthily.

Adolescents generally act in this period based on the friends and groups in which they are members, and find a special perspective on love and affection in this period. Try to talk to the teen more at this time so that he does not feel lonely. Be careful to be a good listener and sit like a friend, not a rebellious, punishing parent!

Another point is to talk about your adolescent love very clearly with your child, but do not question his character that you do not know and you are wrong!

* How to talk to a teenager?

Phrases like “this person is not good for you”, “your dignity is higher than this”, “their family level is low”, “better than this is waiting for you” not only do not solve the problem, but also the rift between father and There are more mothers and teenagers, making him more and more distant from his parents and closer to his peers.

You need to practice sobriety and empathy with them about everything, including love, and make them aware of the negative consequences of love during adolescence.

Instead of denying love altogether and forbidding them from any relationship, tell them that it is the right of every human being to experience love, but because of the harmful consequences it has in adolescence, it is better to postpone it a little.

With this approach, even the most daring teenagers become rational. It is time to take teens more seriously, to recognize their feelings more, and to let go of old parenting patterns and a top-down, assertive look.

It seems a little hard to accept that your teenage daughter is passionate about relationships with the opposite sex. But what is crucial is knowing how to properly deal with adolescent girls and boys. Raise your awareness and awareness of your teenager’s mood and let him or her know about the pros and cons of this friendship before he or she makes such choices.

* Do not blame the teenager and have a friendly relationship

Try to avoid blame and when he trusts you, have a friendly atmosphere, guide him like a close friend so that he achieves his right desires. Do not try to grab his wrist in relationships with his friends, as this not only is useless but also causes him to stay away from you and do secret things. If a teenager makes a mistake, ignore it so that you do not go in the wrong direction for fear.

* Do not fight the love of your teen directly

Instead of fighting, try to be a safe haven for him so that he does not think of war with you and does not want to do wrong because he is away from you. What teenagers who run away from home during this period and suffer from many problems, including addiction, try to stay calm and calm and take refuge in the right ways to communicate with the teenager.

* Support your child

One of the most important things that shows your love for your child and makes him rely on you is to support him with phrases such as “You are our child for the rest of your life”, “We support you” Let ‘s make him feel safe. So instead of setting strict rules and being a strict teacher, allow the child to experience experiences that do not come at a high price. Do not ask children too many questions and let them be comfortable, but keep an eye on his communication from a distance and be sure to be his guide in the field of making friends and love.

Teach your child that relationships with others should not be his whole life, emotional issues should be separated from the lesson. Usually, when a teenager enters into a love affair, he or she is more inclined to talk to the other party and communicate in cyberspace and the Internet. .

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