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The actions of the insurance industry are not sufficient for digital transformation

At the opening of the second day of the 28th National Conference on Insurance and Development, Hamid Kordbacheh, head of the Insurance Research Institute, said: “Digitalization does not necessarily mean the elimination of analog processes, but means increasing the effectiveness of digital processes in the activities of the organization.”

The President of the Insurance Research Institute and the President of the 28th National Conference on Insurance and Development, in the opening ceremony of the second day of the conference, while appreciating the enthusiastic participation of the insurance industry in 13 Azar programs, gave a speech focusing on the role of regulators in digital transformation.

The President of the 28th National Conference on Insurance and Development, while referring to the concepts of digital transformation in the insurance industry, said that what is known as digital transformation in the insurance industry is the transition from analog to digital processes means reducing human share in activities and increasing artificial intelligence. , Machine and man is superior.
Learn about personalizing products and services, smartening insurance and claims operations, effective marketing, personal and discriminatory pricing, reducing violations, reducing operating costs, improving customer experience, reducing the impact of scale on corporate performance, increasing market area and improving efficiency as effects He added that the recent study of the Insurance Research Institute on the experiences of leading countries in the field of digital transformation of the insurance industry indicates that the support measures of the supervisory body of these countries focus on three main areas, including discourse, institutionalization and regulation. Is.

The head of the Insurance Research Institute pointed out that so far valuable measures have been taken to expand the digital transformation in the country’s insurance industry, but it seems that these measures are not sufficient and the development of digital transformation in the insurance industry requires serious and jihadist determination. He also called on senior executives in the insurance industry to give more weight to digital transformation in the company’s plans and actions.

At the end, the head of the Insurance Research Institute, referring to the actions of the United States in the field of digital transformation of the insurance industry, added: the need for digital transformation in the organization “Processes” and “Utilization of cloud computing for data storage and processing”.

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