The judging session of the photo and video competition of the tourist attractions of Central Province was held

According to the Aria Heritage report, citing the public relations of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Central Province, Mustafa Marzban said: On the occasion of Tourism Week, a photography and filming competition of the attractions of Central Province was organized by this General Directorate.
The General Manager of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of the Central Province further added that the contest was well received and more than 210 frames of photos and videos were entered in the contest.
He stated: The submitted works were reviewed and evaluated by a jury consisting of three judges: Mohammad Varwani Farahani, Majid Ghazrani and Ali Asghar Yousefi, and finally 3 works ranked first to third in the photography section and 2 works in the film section were ranked. They won the second and third place, and 25 photo frames and 2 film reels were considered for the exhibition.
Director General of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of the Central Province said: In the film section, the film introducing the tourist target village of Wafes by Hanieh Shafiei won the second place and the film Masroop Church by Saeed Haji Safari won the third place and the judges did not consider a film worthy of the first place.
Marzban added: In the photo section, Faiza Babaei won the first place, Bahar Bahadran won the second place, and Amir Qadri won the third place, and cash prizes will be awarded to the winners.
According to him, the number of 25 photo forms for the exhibition includes the works of: Faiza Babaei 6 works, Rehaneh Mohib Ali 5 works, Samaneh Ahmadi 3 works, Alireza Shafiei 3 works, Fatemeh Rezaei 2 works and Omid Aghamohammadi, Bahar Bahadri, Amir Qadri, Samia Farahani, Niloufar Karimi and Seyed Daniyal Davoudi have each had one work.
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