
The latest Sandro price in the market / this Sandro model cost 890 million tomans + price table

By reading the table below, you will get complete information about the daily price of Sandro cars.

Daily price of Sandro cars
brandModelFunctionprice (tomans)
Renault, Sandro automatic139631,000 km800,000,000
Renault, Sandro automatic1397185,000 km700,000,000
Renault, Sandro automatic139838,000 km890,000,000
Renault Sandero automatic139645,000 km760,000,000
Renault, Sandro automatic1395120,000 km610,000,000
Renault, Sandro automatic1395138,000 km780,000,000
Renault, Sandro automatic139717,056 km920,000,000
Renault, Sandro automatic1395120,000 km650,000,000
Source: Bama

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