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The prayer that Ayatollah Behjat recites for his children / This prayer will protect your children from disaster

Life group: One of Ayatollah Behjat’s children says: “Every time I took my children to school, my father recited this prayer three times behind them so that they would be safe from calamity, illness and suffering.”

Ayatollah Rey Shahri also says: The most prayer that Ayatollah Behjat recommended to him to protect him from calamity and trouble was this prayer.

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah said in one of his interviews: Ayatollah Behjat sent me a message and said, “Continue this prayer three times in the morning and at night.” I did not know why Mr. Behjat told me this until a few days later, the Israelis bombed my residence and I survived the battle. It was there that I understood the reason for Ayatollah Behjat’s order to this prayer.

Imam Sadegh also says about the importance of this prayer: My father ordered me to continue it three times in the morning and night to be safe from all calamities and troubles and said that he should be careful that this prayer does not fall into the hands of the helpless.

The late Sheikh Klini in his book Kafi has quoted it as follows: اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنِي فِي دِرْعِكَ الْحَصِينَةِ الَّتِي تَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَنْ تُرِيدُ

O God! Put me in that cover which protects me from every calamity and affliction and whoever you put in it

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