InternationalMiddle East

The registration of foreign children has increased by 30% this year

“The Islamic Republic of Iran, in spite of various economic problems, is based on the religious teachings and Islamic teachings of the children,” Massoud Goodarzi was quoted as saying by IRNA on Tuesday, according to the Interior Ministry. It has hosted the homeless and the displaced and provided them with various material and spiritual support.

He expressed his hope for the presence of UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at the meeting, which was attended by the Deputy Minister of Social Affairs, representatives of the General Directorate of Citizens and Foreign Immigrants Affairs and Public Relations and Information at the Ministry of Interior. Presence the field of extensive and effective cooperation in the field of children in Iran.

Emphasizing the need to strengthen cooperation with UNICEF, Goodarzi said: “This cooperation should be strengthened and effective to the extent that it becomes a model for other international organizations in Iran.” This will definitely be achieved through joint and continuous efforts and efforts between Iran and UNICEF.

Referring to UNICEF’s cooperation with Iran in the fight against Covid 19, the Acting Minister of International Affairs of the Ministry of Interior said: “The cruel and inhuman sanctions of the domination system prevented our country from providing good health services in the fight against Covid 19 International organizations also had an impact on bilateral cooperation.

Goodarzi stated: The heads of international governmental and non-governmental organizations based in Tehran, and more specifically the UNICEF office in Tehran, are objectively witnessing the problems caused by sanctions in the field of humanitarian aid, and realized that Iran, despite the conditions of sanctions, It has not withheld assistance in protecting the children of authorized and unauthorized foreign nationals.

Priority of social issues at the macro level of the country’s decision-making was another axis mentioned by the head of the Information and International Affairs Center of the Ministry of Interior. In this regard, he said: for accurate and responsible management of social issues, the Social Council of the country has been formed under the chairmanship of the President and the Deputy Minister of Interior, and this council seeks to organize social issues and challenges, including working children.

He continued: Organizing street children is one of the most important priorities in the field of macro-social issues of the country.

More than 80% of working children in Iran are foreign nationals

Goodarzi announced the existence of about 16,000 street children in the country and said: “More than 80% of working children on the streets are foreign nationals. The accommodation of these loved ones has been used.

He added: “According to religious and Islamic teachings, the Islamic Republic of Iran does not differentiate between Iranian and foreign street children and tries to provide material and spiritual facilities for all these children equally and equally.”

Referring to the statements of the Supreme Leader (Modzaleh Al-Aali) about providing free education for authorized and unlicensed children, Goodarzi said: “In this regard, this year we are witnessing a 30% increase in registration by children of foreign nationals.”

The head of international affairs of the Ministry of Interior stated that due to the oppressive sanctions, we are facing limited facilities in the field of addressing the educational, training and other needs of foreign children. Monthly funding for this requires the effective support of international organizations such as UNICEF.

Goodarzi added: “In the international arena, we often hear this from the heads of international non-governmental organizations in the field of humanitarian aid, that Iran hosts nearly 4 million foreign nationals and provides good support to foreign nationals, but other than action, thank you.” We do not see.

He continued: “Today, in order for the children of foreign nationals to have a good future job and life and not to suffer from social problems and crimes, we expect their appropriate and appropriate international support.”

The Head of International Affairs of the Ministry of Interior continues to build child care centers in the border provinces of the country, helping to equip the facilities of care centers, support and health, educational and livelihood services and everything a child needs is the most important priority in the current situation in supporting children. “In these three areas, we need international support, especially from UNICEF, which is directly responsible for children,” he said.

Goodarzi expressed his hope that with forward-looking and constructive cooperation, we will take effective measures to support the children of foreign nationals inside the country, and that this cooperation will lead to effective measures in the field of education and training of this group of loved ones.


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