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The results of the Beit Al-Ghazal poll were published to introduce key officials – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr correspondent, the Beit Al-Ghazal system, led by the Institute for Strategic Studies of Education, after conducting a “Introducing the Minister of Education” poll, in which more than three thousand education activists participated, in the second poll of all education residents. And Tarbiat had invited people who are considered worthy of leading other important responsibilities related to this ministry to be introduced in the form of a poll of “key education officials”.
The key responsibilities raised in this survey were:
Secretary General of the Higher Education Council
Deputy of Primary Education
Deputy of Secondary Education
Deputy Minister of Education and Culture
Deputy of Resource Planning and Development
Head of Educational Research and Planning Organization
President of Farhangian University

In this survey, which officially started on July 19, 1400 and lasted for 25 days, the participants could nominate a maximum of 7 people and each person for a maximum of 2 responsibilities, and finally 1107 people participated in this survey with different responsibilities.

According to Beit al-Azal, the purpose of the survey is to increase the participation of education activists and experts to influence the selection of senior ministry managers to select more qualified people. In fact, the function of this poll is to introduce and suggest people to help decision-makers, especially the Minister of Education, to identify people with a wider circle, not to impose the results of this poll on the Minister. .

The output published in the report of Bita Al-Ghazal website includes the list of names of all the people who have been introduced. These results are listed without alphabetical order. This result does not necessarily mean that the nominees are qualified to take on the responsibilities, and only that the results of the audience votes have been published in alphabetical order with respect to fidelity, and that the names of unrelated individuals and those who do not qualify for these responsibilities may be due to challenges. There are common open polls.

As a result, the Minister of Education is expected to base his / her work on the selection of his / her deputies, selection and transformation, and to consider the options available in the results of this survey, as well as possible suitable options whose names are not on these lists, in consultation with elites and competent individuals. Check and select.

The results of the Beit Al-Ghazal poll were published to introduce key officials

Of course, what is missing in this regard is, in the first place, the mission document, the description of the duties and powers of the various organizational positions of the Ministry of Education, which have been revised accurately and comprehensibly away from generalizations and word order. Next to that is determining the basic document of the characteristics, abilities and personality and professional skills required for each organizational position. In addition to the lack of competency model for selecting education directors and not using existing experiences (assessment centers), issues related to structure, centralism and centralism and issues related to organizational positions, multiplicity of staff departments and separation and communication between deputies are other issues in It must be addressed instead.
It is possible to see more details and the results of this survey on the Beytolqazal website


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