
The stock market / stock market downturn is potentially bullish

According to Tejarat News, the stock market is neutral in the middle of today’s market and the upward trend of the beginning of the market has been negative with a family decline. The volume of transactions is small and the market is still facing a lack of liquidity.

Family and light symbols in the middle of the market today recorded the most negative impact and steel and shepherd recorded the most positive impact on the overall index. The total index is currently in the channel of one million and 378 thousand units with a fall of about 350 units. The decline in the overall index is seen in small shares, while the homogeneous index is about 0.18% positive.

The total OTC index is in the middle of today’s market with about 14 units falling in the channel of 18 thousand and 645 units. Ghosino and Aria recorded the most negative impact and Hafarin and Shabsir recorded the most positive impact in the overall index.

Nima Mirzaei, a stock market expert, said: “The market is relatively balanced and sellers and buyers do not have enough motivation to excel in the short term.” But the important point here is the growing outlook for corporate profitability due to chronic inflation and the continued growth of the half dollar, which outlines the potential market conditions.

He continued: “Deterring and reversal fluctuations or exit due to fatigue can have negative consequences for traders’ assets.”

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