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Turkey built a 221-kilometer wall on the border with Iran

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Turkey has built a 221-kilometer wall on its border with Iran amid rising migration from Afghanistan.

According to Sputnik, the acting Minister of Interior of the Republic of Turkey, Suleyman Soylu, said: “Turkish authorities are continuing to build a modular wall on the border with Iran to prevent illegal migration from Afghanistan. More than 220 kilometers have already been built.”

Turkey is a transit country for Afghan and Pakistani immigrants who enter the country illegally from Iran and try to move to EU countries.

The head of the Turkish Ministry of Interior stated: “We will start the construction of a 242-kilometer wall on the rest of the border with Iran in Van province, which we will add to the existing 221 kilometers.” Therefore, we are strengthening our border with Iran.

“This is not just a wall, but also fiber optic systems, lighting, night-vision cameras,” Soylu said in Ankara.

He added: “Thanks to the measures taken, the number of Afghan refugees crossing the Turkish-Iranian border illegally has been reduced from 1,500 to 200 per day.”

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