Villagers Social Insurance Fund Complaints Registration System Unveiled – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, the public complaints registration system of the Social Insurance Fund for Farmers, Villagers and Nomads with the presence of the Director General of the Inspection, Performance Evaluation and Complaints Response Office and the Public Relations Manager of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare and the CEO of the Social Insurance Fund for Farmers, Villagers and Nomads Unveiled.
بیتاله “We live in an age where we have to use up-to-date tools to control and monitor,” said the CEO of the Social Insurance Fund.
He stated that officials should be monitored through monitoring systems and tools Comments “Using new tools and methods can establish effective communication between people and officials,” he said. Anywhere We had a people-oriented view and we succeeded. So we have to create this space for people to be able to pointComments Present yourself to us. The Social Insurance Fund’s public grievance system was created for this purpose because we believe that people and their point of view are sympathetic, and if they have any comments in the field of management.
The CEO of the Social Insurance Fund, stating that public relations is the forefront of any organization, said: “In discussing public relations, we need to deepen and strengthen public relations liaisons.” Provinces We believe that if the fund is well and properly identified among the target community, people will use it as well. Therefore, information and public relations activities are very important, because if we can cover the target community of this fund می We can take steps to promote social justice. Establishment asked staff managers to respond to the issues raised with a view to problem solving and untying.
سید مرتضی Engineer The head of the Public Relations and Information Center of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare said: “The system of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on the administrative system of the Imam and the Ummah, and the current meaning of this system of the Imam and the Ummah is the system of religious democracy.”
He added: “I believe that the public grievance redressal system will help achieve e-government, maximum transparency and anti-corruption system, and can also help the inspection system of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare.”
More Mehri Talebi دارستانی “We believe that many personal, economic, Social issues are resolved by supporting the underprivileged می To be.
“Farmers, villagers and nomads are turning the country’s economic wheel by creating small, high-yield enterprises,” he said. Hi Which in the current situation can help the country’s economic flow, Activities Agriculture and handicrafts, so we need to look for ways to create job security for those who work in these small businesses, grievance systems are one of these tools that give people the feeling that they can easily communicate with officials and officials. Take, Comments And raise their grievances and the authorities respond to them. Accountability to the people is the unchangeable principle of the Ministry of People.
It is worth mentioning that the public complaints registration system of the Social Insurance Fund for Farmers, Villagers and Nomads will be available to all audiences and the insured of the fund from Tuesday, January 28, 2010.