
What are 5-star cars in December?

According to the online economy report quoted by the world of economy, in the December report, compared to the previous month, we see the elimination of Quick with automatic transmission, Dena ordinary, Peugeot 207 with manual gearbox and SWM G01. In contrast, with the presence of Fidelity, the collection of Bahman Motor products was completed. Also, Arezzo 5 Turbo, Humvee 315 Automatic Plus, Peugeot 405 Khorasan and SWM G01 F were added.

According to the method used by the Iranian Quality and Standard Inspection Company to evaluate the quality of cars, each product, depending on the points obtained, receives between one and five quality stars and is included in its price category.

Among the 34 products reviewed, Denaplus Turbo with automatic transmission made by Iran Khodro and two products of Bahman Motor, namely Dignity and Fidelity, have been able to hit 5 quality stars. 9 products have also been able to obtain 4 quality stars in December.

21 products out of 34 cars that have been evaluated in terms of quality during the third month of the autumn season this year, have received three quality stars. Due to the presence of MVM S33 in the quality report of December of this year, we see the presence of a two-star car in the mentioned quality report. According to a report published in December, only Tigo 7, which has three quality stars, can still be seen in price class one.

In the second price category, we are faced with 10 cars, all of which are assembled Chinese. In this car class, the products of private automakers have a kind of upper hand. As mentioned, Dignity and Fidelity have been able to get 5 quality stars. Haima Model S7 produced by Iran-Khodro and SWM G01 F produced by Seif-Khodro have been able to obtain four quality stars. SWM G01, another product of Seif Khodro, which was present in the November report, is absent in this report.

The rest of the members, except for the MVM X33S, who have two quality stars on their chests, remain the same as the previous three-star report. Jack, in the S5 and S3 models, are among the three stars in this price class.

Also, Tigo 5, Arezzo 5 Turbo and Arezzo 6 are cars that are assembled in the production lines of car managers and have been able to get three quality stars in the third report of the autumn season. The Arezzo 5 Turbo was not included in the November report. The third price class, which was formed in October with a quality review of the car managers’ product, namely MVM X22, and this price class was also present in the November report.

Both cars in this price class scored three quality stars. Now, we come to the part where we talk about the four categories, which are part of Iran Khodro, and the only uninvited guest in this category is Shahin, which has been added to this price class since November. In this price class, Dena Plus turbocharged with automatic transmission is one of the three five-star cars in the country, the leader of this price class.

This class also includes four four-star cars, which include Shahin, a new product of Saipa, Peugeot 207 with a panoramic roof, Dena Plus and Tara, a new product of Iran’s cars. Peugeot 207 with a manual gearbox with four quality stars in the November report is missing in the new report.

Peugeot 206, Dena, Rana Plus, Peugeot Pars (manufactured in Mazandaran, Khorasan, Kermanshah and Fars sites), Soren Plus and Samand produced in Iran, Tabriz Auto are also three members of this group. Peugeot 405, a product of Iran, Khorasan Khodro, replaced the usual Dena, a product of Iran’s central site, in this report, and obtained three quality stars like it.

Therefore, they also did not see any decline in their stardom during December compared to November this year. Finally, the price class of five also includes 7 products, all of which belong to Saipa and Parsokhodro.

This group included 8 products in the November report, but in December of this year, the Quick car with automatic transmission was removed from this group. Therefore, the members of this price class in December include Tiba 2, Quick, Quick S, Quick R, Quick Pars Khodro, Saina Kashan and Tiba. Among the mentioned products, Quick, Quick S and Quick Pars Khodro have been able to obtain 4 quality stars. The other 4 products also have three quality stars on their chests.


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