Marriage and familysocial

What are the characteristics of a mother who does not get nervous / Good habits of aware mothers

Family group: There are many cases in which children make mothers angry, so that many mothers give up and deal harshly with children. Mothers in this situation say that the child is not controllable at all or it makes them nervous to the point of explosion.

It is not good at all that mothers can not control their anger and show behaviors that later cause regret and remorse, or say things that later affect the child’s mind. Study mothers know how to control their anger in many of these situations.

Let’s take a look at some of the conditions that disrupt mothers’ psychological management at home and how a managerial and well-educated mother can control herself in these situations.

** You are the worst mom in the world! I hate you!

A well-informed mother knows that children do not know how to manage their emotions and control their speech well, and she knows that when she hears something like “you are the worst mom in the world” from her child, it means that “I hate a certain card Not to hate the mother herself!

** Do not eat children

An informed mother (although it is very difficult to control herself against the malnutrition of her children) but the plate does not walk in the hand of the child, does not insist and beg her to eat, come and eat, does not ransom her that If you eat food, you have ice cream! Rather, he knows that the child will not be healthy and sick to any extent, that is, enough food has reached his body!

** Mothers feel guilty

An informed mother knows that people are always judgmental and not everyone can be satisfied, and she knows that the standard of a child’s physical health is not his height and height, after telling his child how thin and weak he does not feel guilty. !

** “Say no” skill

A knowledgeable mother, unlike those around her who mistakenly label her child as shy and antisocial, is proud of her child for learning the skill of saying “no” well, as her child does not get upset at all. Be!

** Throw items

A well-informed mother has learned with enough study that throwing objects is a natural process for her child under the age of three, and that is how the child learns the meaning of action and reaction. Therefore, it does not show undue sensitivity so that this transient behavior is not institutionalized in the child. Therefore, the mother does not get upset that the child under the age of three throws objects.

** Baby next door

A knowledgeable mother knows that most children under the age of one and a half years suffer from separation anxiety, and responds positively to the baby’s need to hug and cuddle as much as she wishes, and hugs her child. Regardless of what the people around say, “Do not hug her, she will hug you”! So the mother does not get upset because the child under the age of one and a half always hugs and clings to him.

A knowledgeable mother knows that most mothers have more or less the same concerns, and everyone struggles with these child-rearing challenges. So mothers need to raise their awareness of the various stages of a child’s development.

** Good habits of aware mothers

1. Creating a sense of mental security

An informed mother tells her child every day that I love you, I’m very happy to have you, Dad … and she hugs her baby several times a day.

2. Creating a sense of responsibility

An informed mother gives her child small responsibilities every day according to her child’s age and strength, so that she feels both useful and confident that she has been able to achieve success, no matter how small.

3. Patience and anger management

A conscious mother does not respond to her child’s disobedience and stubbornness, which is probably due to her age, with anger and shouting, and is in control of her own nerves.

4. Clarification of expectations

A knowledgeable mother expresses her expectations in simple language to the child through play, drama, and storytelling, giving her child’s weak brain the right to need patience, repetition, and practice to understand these expectations.

5. Conscious warnings

An informed mother gives two types of warnings in two different tones: Type one: Determining the next schedule The baby comes in a soft tone as if we are getting ready to have a guest. Remind the child of inappropriate behavior in a serious and decisive tone.

6. Admiration and reward

A knowledgeable mother knows that by encouraging her child in a timely manner, she can instill good habits in her child, such as having a star sign for a child over the age of three.

7. Steadfastness in law and continuity

An informed mother does not legislate or, if she does, has no flexibility or compassion. For example, one day, make it a rule that the child watches TV for one hour, and the next day, when he is busy, the TV is on from morning till night. This law destroys the house.

8- Establishing daily order and routine

An informed mom tries to have a daily and routine schedule for daily routines such as bedtime, meals, snacks, etc., except during travel or illness.

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