
What can we do to change the city of the National Housing Movement?

According to Tejarat News, Khalil Mohabbatkhah stated: Registration for the units of the Housing Production and Supply Leap Project (National Housing Movement) will continue until December 6th. So far, 350,000 people have registered in Tehran province, and the process of refining the applicants has begun. People living in Tehran can only apply for the new cities of Parand, Hashtgerd, Ivanki, as well as Pakdasht and Robat Karim. Those who have chosen their city incorrectly should correct it or, if this is not possible, cancel and re-register.

He added: For the first year, 155,555 units of the National Housing Movement have been considered for Tehran province, which will be defined annually for the next four years.

Bring the first to third deciles 20 million, other deciles 40 million Tomans

Mohabbatkhah said about the contributions of the applicants of the National Housing Movement units: 20 million Tomans has been set for the first to third deciles. Other deciles will pay 40 million tomans. Unit prices also vary based on area or number of floors. The ceiling of facilities for the five cities of Parand, Hashtgerd, Ivanki, Pakdasht and Robat Karim is 300 million Tomans. Of course, if someone has land in Tehran and intends to build, and also meets the five conditions of the National Housing Movement, he can receive 450 million tomans per unit.

Builders will be fined for late delivery of units

The Director General of Roads and Urban Development of Tehran Province considered the rate of contracts of the National Housing Movement with builders based on the annual price list and said: “For example, this year we will sign contracts with builders based on the 1400 price list.” But if the manufacturers are late in delivering the units, they will be fined. Generally, based on the number of classes, contracts are concluded for a period of 12 to 24 months.

Mohabbatkhah emphasized: We invite all mass builders, builders and those who have a working grade to cooperate in the implementation of production leap units and housing supply.

He said that the transfer of units of the National Housing Movement is prohibited, adding that single men over the age of 18 are allowed to register in the National Housing Movement plan, but they must be married at the time of delivery.

Source: ایسنا

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